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Weeks turn to month, and the Duke and his troops continue to wage a relentless battle in the northwest frontier. Every day brings new challenges and obstacles, testing the limits of their perseverance and endurance.

To you, you continue to faithfully write letters, often pouring out your thoughts and feelings into the pages. Each letter brings you a small comfort after sending it, knowing that a piece of you is reaching the Duke amidst the chaos of war.


A familiar messenger arrives at your home one morning, holding a roll of parchment sealed with the Duke's insignia. You immediately recognize it as another letter from Jake. The messenger hands it to you, and you take it eagerly, rushing to your chambers to read it.

The letter reads:

"My dear Elowyn,

It's been a while since my last letter, I know. The campaign has been more tiring than anticipated. The enemy is proving to be more resilient than expected, and our progress is slower than we'd hoped.

In the next envelope, you find:

"I have news. Our scouts report that the enemy's numbers are diminishing, and their morale is weakening. We believe we can begin our march back to the castle within the next two days. The tide seems to be turning in our favor."

Upon reading the news, you feel relieved and excited. The Duke is coming back soon. You clutch the letter and rush out of your room, feeling lighter and happier.

Seeing your sudden change in demeanor, your mother and some of the servants notice your cheerful mood. They observe your almost gleeful demeanor, the bounce in your step as you move about the house.

Your mother approaches you, a mix of curiosity and apprehension on her face. "Elo, dear, is everything alright?" she asks, her voice tinged with concern.

"Mother, you won't believe this but Jake will be back in next 2 days!"

"What?" your mother gasps, her eyes widening. She looks at you for a moment, her worry turning to surprise, then to joy. A smile slowly spreads across her face as she processes the news.

"Oh, my dear," your mother exclaims, her voice filled with relief and happiness. "This is wonderful news! To think, he will be back here so soon!"

She pulls you into a warm hug, embracing you tightly, sharing in your joy. The servants around you also begin to chatter excitedly, the news spreading quickly throughout the town.

The day finally arrived. You stand in the courtyard, anxiously awaiting the Duke's arrival. The town is buzzing with anticipation, the people lining the streets, waiting to welcome their leader home.

In the distance, the sound of hooves beating against the ground grows louder. You look up, and your heart skips a beat. The Duke's troops are riding through the gates, Jake at the head of the procession.

The moment you catch sight of the him, a relief and happiness surges through you. He looks weary but unharmed, his eyes scanning the crowd, searching for you. As he comes closer, it takes all your willpower not to run up to him and embrace him then and there in full view of everyone.

"Your Grace!" you exclaim. "Thank God. You made it back safe and sound," you say, relieved, while holding your coat.

"Yeah, I have," he replies, his voice slightly hoarse but warm. "And I see you waited for me as promised."

Keeho, standing next to the Duke, looks at the two of you and gives a knowing chuckle. "Looks like someone missed his lady quite a bit, eh, Your Grace?"

He assumed you were the young lady in the forest from the town's talking for every time he needed to hand letters to Jake, the Duke would foolishly smile like a lovestruck boy in no right time.

The Duke shoots a glare at Keeho, a hint of embarrassment in his eyes. "Hush, you," he mutters, before quickly turning his gaze back to you.

"You've been well, I hope?" he asks, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

While fixing your coat, "I should be the one asking that."

"Fair point," he admits, his eyes softening as he takes in your worried expression. "But I am fine. Tired, a little bit. But fine."

Jake and you walk slowly through the courtyard together, a comfortable silence between you.

"It's good to be back," the Duke muses, his voice low but steady. "Here, your ribbon and bracelet." He takes your hand to place the bracelet on it, then ties the ribbon in your braided hair.

"I thank you. how about your wounds. shall i help you with it?" You ask

The Duke shakes his head gently, a wry smirk playing at his lips. he gestures to a wound on his arm. "Just a scratch, really. I've had worse. you worry too much, I'm tougher than I look."

You tap lightly on the wound on his arm, and he flinches slightly. "Terribly bad liar," you say.

"Maybe I oversold it," he admits, a sheepish smile on his face. "But I have had worse. I promise."

You shook your head several times. then hold his uninjured arm, "I shall help you with it." the two of you make your way to a nearby site to tend to his injuries.

"Sit here for awhile," You tell him while you go to get the medical kit.

"You won't let this go, will you?" he asks, his voice tinged with fond resignation.

"No. Now, will you please listen to me, even just for now?" you yelled from the other room.

He huffs a little, shaking his head. "Fine, fine. just for now."

You return with the kits you gathered, "Is it only your arm that's hurt? nothing else?" you ask, standing before him

"Just a few scrapes and bruises," he replies, wincing faintly as he adjusts his position. "Oh, and probably a bruised ego from Keehos' constant mocking."

"Does your pride hurt?" you ask sarcastically, now applying antiseptic on his arm next to those scrapes and bruises. "There, it should all well now."

"Very funny," he mutters, managing a small smile despite grimacing from the antiseptic. "You have a sadistic streak in you, you know that?"

"Yeah, yeah. mother always told me that. will you be hush?'"

He rolls his eyes, but a chuckle escapes him nonetheless. "Alright, alright. I'll be quiet as a mouse."

"You need to take a rest now. I'll let you have your own moment."

"I suppose I could use some rest," he admits, a weary sigh escaping him. "This campaign took more out of me than I'd care to admit."

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