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The other lords exchange uneasy glances, clearly not entirely convinced. But Jake is unwavering. "I have made my decision," he says, his tone brooking no argument. "The lady will accompany me to the meeting with the rebels, and the rest of you will wait nearby to provide backup if necessary."

There are a few muttered objections from the other lords, but Jake will not be swayed. "This meeting is over," he says firmly, standing up from his seat. "My lady and I have preparations to make. I expect the rest of you to remain on standby, and to be prepared to act at a moment's notice."

Jake and you are still in the meeting room, poring over maps and documents, making last-minute plans for the upcoming meeting. It's well past midnight, but neither of you seems tired. You can tell that Jake is focused and determined, his mind racing with various scenarios.

As you and Jake continue to pore over the maps, Jake suddenly taps a spot on the map. "Here," he says, his voice low. "This is where we'll meet the rebels. We'll wait in the forest a short distance away."

"Noted, Your Grace," You said in a matter of time.

Jake nods, his mind still racing. He glances at you, noting the way you lean forward to look at the map, the way you bite your lip slightly in concentration. He suppresses a smile, impressed at your focus and determination.

Hours later, the meeting has concluded. Jake looks tired, but there is a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. "We're as prepared as we can be," he says, looking at you. "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, always in all ways, Your Grace," you said, fighting back a yawn while circling the safe places for hiding.

Jake notices your yawn, "You're exhausted," he says. "You should get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day."

Jake stands up and begins gathering the maps and documents, a thoughtful expression on his face. "We'll make an early start in the morning, just at dawn," he says, "We'll want to be at the meeting spot when the rebels arrive."

You keep nodding off during everything he says.

Jake notices you nodding off and shakes his head in disbelief. "Come on," he says, "You're falling asleep on your feet. Let me take you to your room." You let him lead the way for you.

Jake guides you out of the meeting room and through the corridors of the castle, his hand lightly resting on your elbow to keep you steady. The castle is quiet, the only sounds the soft hush of your footsteps and the occasional crackle of a torch on the wall.

Eventually, you reach the wing of the castle where your room is situated. Jake opens the door and flicks on the torch on the wall, bathing the room in a warm glow. "Here you are," he says, his voice soft. "Get some rest. You'll need it for tomorrow."

You step into the room, feeling a sense of relief to be somewhere private. Jake stands in the doorway, watching you silently for a moment. There is a flicker of concern in his eyes, but he doesn't speak of it. "Goodnight," he says finally, his voice almost a whisper.

You nod, your eyes growing heavy. "Goodnight," you murmur in reply.

Jake lingers in the doorway for another moment, as though he wants to say more, but instead, he just nods silently and closes the door behind him, leaving you alone in your room with your thoughts.

With a weary sigh, you strip off your shoes and outer clothes, tossing them onto a nearby chair. You stumble to the bed and collapse onto the soft mattress, feeling the fatigue of the day finally catch up with you.

You close your eyes, drifting off into a deep and weary slumber.

Jake returns to his own chambers, his mind still preoccupied with the events of the day. He walks over to the window and gazes out into the night, lost in thought.

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