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With the discussion concluded, the man gives you both a last, lingering look before turning and stalking back through the forest.

Once he's out of sight, Jake lets out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping in exhaustion. He looks at you, his eyes weary but grateful.

"Are you well, Your Grace?" you ask after releasing his hand before you two leaving the meeting place.

Jake nods wearily, his eyes darken with fatigue. "I'm fine," he mutters. But the lines etched into his face betray his exhaustion.

As you walk out of the clearing and back towards the castle, he runs a hand through his hair, disheveling it slightly.

You hold both of his arms as support in case he loses his balance while walking out.

Jake glances over at you, surprised by the gesture. But he doesn't pull away, instead accepting your support quietly.

His steps are a bit unsteady, the weight of the meeting weighing visibly upon him.

You continue walking together, your grip on his arms firm and steadying. Jake remains silent, his eyes downcast, clearly lost in thought.

Soon, you reach the group of soldiers who had been waiting for your return. They straighten up at your approach, their faces a mix of curiosity and concern.

The soldiers look between you and the duke, clearly noticing his exhausted state. One of them, a brawny man with a hawkish nose, steps forward.

"Is everything alright, Your Grace?" he asks gruffly.

"He's not. Please do assist him." you requested.

The soldiers look at each other, then nod in understanding. They step forward, helping to support the Duke, each taking one of his arms.

Jake grunts in protest, but he's too weary to resist. He lets the soldiers half-carry him as you all begin heading the carriage.

With the help of the soldiers, Jake is helped into the carriage. He sinks into the seat, visibly exhausted. His eyes are half shut, his expression weary.

The soldiers close the door of the carriage behind him, then turn to you with concerned expressions.

"I will accompany him," you tell them with an assurance smile.

The soldiers exchange glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and respect. Then the one with the hawkish nose nods.

"Very well, milady," he says. "We'll make sure the carriage reaches the castle safely."

You nod to them as they disappear from your sight, then sit beside the Duke to support his weary body.

As you settle into the seat beside him, the Duke slumps slightly, leaning against you for support. His eyes are half-lidded, his breathing slow and deep.

For a moment, he just sits quietly, resting against you like a tired child.

With the Duke leaning against you, you feel the weight of his exhaustion, both physical and emotional. You sit quietly together, the only sounds the gentle sway of the carriage and the muffled sound of horse hooves.

The Duke remains silent, his eyes shut, taking comfort in your presence. Slowly, very slowly, his breathing begins to even out, showing the first signs of sleep.

The Duke's head rests on your shoulder, his usually tense body relaxed against you. His breathing grows softer, steadier, as he sinks deeper into sleep.

You, however, remain alert, watching over him protectively as the carriage jostles through the forest.

Your one hand is over his head, and the other one is by his side where there's nothing else to protect it, with you struggling to maintain balance with all your might.

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