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"Mother, do you need me to get anything from the marketplace today?" you asked, walking over to where your mother was sipping coffee. It was early in the morning.

Your mother looked up at you, considering for a moment. "Ah, yes," she replied, taking a sip from her cup. "We're running low on eggs and fresh vegetables. If you could pick some up from the market, that would be most appreciated."

You nod, accepting the task. "Alright, I'll head to the marketplace now then."

"Oh, and dear," your mother adds, "pick up some fresh bread as well, if they have any."

You smile at your mother's request. "Of course. Fresh bread, eggs, and vegetables. Got it."

With that, you gather your things and head out to the marketplace, the cool morning air refreshing against your skin.

The market is buzzing with activity as you approach. Farmers selling their fresh produce and market people calling out their wares fill the air with a vibrant energy.

You make your way through the rows of stalls, picking up fresh eggs, colorful vegetables, and a crusty loaf of bread for your mother.

"This should be enough for my mother, the servants, and me," you told yourself mentally.

As you make your way through the busy marketplace, minding your own business and focusing on the path before you, you suddenly feel yourself collide with something solid.

The contents of your basket spill out a little as you let out a small gasp, steadying yourself.

"Oh, sorry," you exclaim, apologetically. "I wasn't looking—"

As you begin to apologize for the collision, a familiar, voice cuts through the noise of the market. "No harm done,"

Looking up, you asked, "Jake? What are you doing here?" as you gathered all the items you bought that had fallen.

Jake, the Duke, grins sheepishly, bending down to help you gather the spilled items. "Just getting a sight," he replies. "I needed a break from all the paperwork and meetings." You nodded on him.

After picking up the items, Jake stands back up, his tall frame towering over you. He studies your face for a moment, a bemused smile playing on his lips.

"I see you've been busy," he comments, gesturing at your basket. "Bought enough to feed an army, it seems."

"Oh actually, yes," you reply dryly, "I thought I might start my own food empire just now."

He chuckles, the sound warm and hearty. "Always the comedian, aren't you?"

"Don't you think you're the one, eh?" quipped the same question.

Jake gives a small, mock-offended gasp. "Me? A comedian? I'll have you know I have a reputation to maintain," he replies playfully.

Turned your head towards him as you continue walking beside him, "Whatever. You can enjoy your solitary moment now, and as for me, I'll head back home."

"Solitary moment? Are you trying to get rid of me already?"

Jake falls into step beside you, his long legs keeping up easily with your pace. You raised an eyebrow at him, unsure whether to say anything on his attitude, your patience was wearing thin.

Jake senses your irritation but chooses not to comment on it. He walks alongside you in silence for a few moments, waiting to see if you'll say anything.

You shrugged at his defeated demeanor. After a few seconds, you broke the silence with, "How are your wounds that I bandaged?"

"They're healing fine, thanks to you. The pain is almost gone now." Jake.

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