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Cassius POV.

We don't pick how we are born, to whom, or why. We are just brought into this world, thrown head first and left to fend for ourselves, and then life goes up and down, we make do with the deal we were handed and make the best of it. That's how I saw life since the day I was born, my mother and father didn't care much for me, I was an accident to them, and seeing how I was born a vampire, accidents are very rare in our world, they were being extra clumsy and didn't pay much attention until they got me.

Mother and father were some of the poorest vampires out there, they didn't work, they didn't care to work, and they didn't give a fuck about all the physical upgrades there were out in the world, all they cared about was feeding from the human blood, sometimes they'd feed from animals when too lazy to go out and hunt, which happened more often than not, the second thing they cared about was each other, they had a tone of sex, they were like rabbits high on cocaine, they wouldn't stop and didn't want to stop, hence how I was born.

Thank god, it was only me and they started being careful after conceiving me, for vampires, getting pregnant takes months, years and sometimes decades, and after a couple of decades my parents managed to conceive me without even trying.
They live a lonely life in the woods, they don't belong to a coven, and don't have a stable home or anything material to their name or in their possession, what they had was a nomadic life, they moved from one village to another, attacking the humans in it, drinking their blood, taking their homes whether it's a tent or a cot, they'd take it for a few days, sometimes up to a week, they'd rob them from any kind of clothes they have and then move to the next one.

Back in the day life was acceptable, although most vampires have moved from being low-class thieves and killers to becoming a part of a bigger society and life, into having a kingdom of their own, into having lords that control the houses and make sure everyone is safe and happy.
Running with blood dripping down from our mouths has become unacceptable, and everyone has moved forward, except my parents of course.
They couldn't imagine or fandom having a normal life, one where they didn't have to run and hide, where they didn't have to kill with such violence to be fed. They didn't care that they had a kid either, I was never dressed or clothed like a normal child, not even normal for vampires scales, I was always running half naked, hardly covered, dirty, nasty, with blood stains all over my body and face, dirt embedded in my dark locks that reached down to the middle of my back.

I was unkempt, had broken nails that were used as a weapon, and even my teeth were messed up, we're vampires we have fangs that are used to bite humans and draw their blood, but I used mine in a random way, I kept on biting everything and anything, I bite the boney part instead of the soft flesh part and it causes my teeth to break and shift.
When the vampires made the rule of no more living that crazy life, that we needed to join the covens, we needed to clean up our acts my parent ignored it, maybe they didn't get the news, I wasn't sure, but what I knew was that I was around ten years old, I was the size of a human four years old, and I didn't talk, I growled, I attacked, and I bite, but I didn't talk or do any kind of human interaction, I was feral, that's the best way to describe me and my situation.

The vampires heard of mine and my parent's killing spree in a nearby town to theirs, since growing up, I needed more blood, I hunted more often, and having negligent parents, they didn't care, they'd set me off on the world, and I would hunt on my own, causing more harm than good.
A group of vampire hunters was sent out to detain us and bring us back, no more running wild, we had to get tamed, but the second my parents heard of the hunt, they started being cautious, they tried to hide, but how would the negligent hide? They had to keep me under control and seeing how feral I was, I was anything but controllable.

Soon the vampires kept up with us, they didn't take long, only a week, they would've gotten to us earlier, maybe if they really wanted to catch us, they were doing a minimal job, they didn't want to have to deal with us, but they had to bring us in, yelling, screaming and hitting, I was told that I was brought in a cage as I was such a hard catch.
When we made it to the vampire council, the royal, the ones in charge whatever you want to call them, when I was brought there, they took pity on me, a creature who wasn't taught to do anything but attack.

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