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Charlotte POV.

"Girls," Oliver says opening the cab door, we have made it out alive, they have slowed down when we were near leaving their territory and land.
"Olli," we both yelled running toward him, and hugging him tight, we were both terrified.
"You shouldn't have sent her alone, she's just a child," I scold him, the bird was very young, even for a shifter, she's a baby.
"I couldn't go in, this is a rescue mission, she did good," Oliver says holding her tight.

"Yeah, if you say so," I say with a shrug, why was I so worried about them, they could deal with each other, I decided to get in Olli's car and wait for him to drive us home.
"You're too far away from home," Olli says.
"How far I am?" I ask him, finally laying back, my ribs were on fire.
"You're on the Canadian border," he says and I look at him with wide eyes, we're so far away.
"Wow," I say, and that was my only comment about the whole topic.

"Are you okay Charlotte?" Owl asks from behind me, she must have noticed me holding my side.
"I'm fine, just a small injury," I lied, it felt a lot bigger than a small injury, every breath had my lungs on fire, and it hurt.
"You don't look fine, we'll look into them when we get home," Olli says but I ignored him, closing my eyes and waiting for the ride to end.

"I'll be okay, don't worry," I lied to him, I tried to reach my magic but I couldn't feel it, I had no idea what was wrong with my magic, maybe it was my injuries.
"So what happened? Tristan is going insane, he went back to the Fey land," he says.
"Things are bad brother, they are really bad," I confess to Oliver, if Tristan had to go back, then he would know about the queen and what she tried to do to me.
"How about you tell me what's going on?" Oliver asks me again.

"Let's see, uhhh...I was in a car accident..." I say remembering how it all started, and what happened, the car that hit mine, then everything going black.
"We found your car, it's a wreck, we searched every hospital in the area for you," Olli says.
"My car," I say with a pout, I loved that car.
"We'll get you a new one, but what happened after it? Were you taken to a hospital?" he asks me.
"No, I woke up in the fey realm," I say and he loses it, I wasn't supposed to be going to that realm, it's dangerous for me, my uncle has told me not to come back until I'm much stronger.

"You shouldn't be going there, they could hurt you, or kill you, or even worse. Do you know how bad it is going there, even their food would hurt you," he scolds me.
"I know Oliver, I didn't mean to go," I say with a groan.
"You have fey blood, but it's not enough, you shouldn't be doing that," Oliver keeps on scolding.
"Oliver, I was taken there against my will, now if you're done being a jerk," I say shut up, not telling him the rest of what happened to me and how I ended up here.

"Charlotte," Owl says in the back after a couple of minutes of being quiet in the car.
"Yes," I hiss at her.
"Be nice to my pet," Olli hiss back at me.
"Then tell her to stay away," I hiss at Olli.
"Sit down Owl, no more talking," he says in a cold voice toward his pet. 

The drive was very long and silent, I gave my brother a couple of side looks, and he looked back, I turned to see in the back that Owl had fallen asleep, and was slightly snoring.
"You yell at me to be nice to her, and you're so cruel to her brother," I whisper meaning Owl.
"She's my pet and my spy, she needs to be trained and get used to obeying me," he says.
"You're more of a father than you are a master," I answer him.
"I don't mind being a father figure to her, but she's my pet, nothing more or less," he says and I knew he was lying, my brother doesn't need to lie usually, but his ego is too big for him.

"How far from home are we?" I ask him again.
"About an hour, you can take a nap too," he suggests.
"I'm not a child Olli," I say with a chuckle.
"I know you're not, what happened next?" he asks me.

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