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Charlotte POV.

"Come on Mom, call, call," I whisper to myself, I'm eating my food, trying to gain my strength back while I have my eyes locked on the phone, when will she call?
"We can go to my place, if the phone rings, we'll hear it," she says but I shook my head no, I wasn't going to risk it, what if she called and I didn't hear it?
"We can stay here for a bit more," I say sipping my coffee, her mother was giving me side glares and side looks, and I pretended not to see them.

"We need to leave, we need to leave, come on," Honey says all of a sudden standing up, standing in front of me hiding me with her small body.
"Huh?" I say confused, who did walk in, why is she trying to hide me from them?
"What are you doing here runt?" I heard a guy say, talking with Honey, towering over her.
"I'm here to eat, mom said I can come to eat," Honey says, standing up to herself, trying to keep me hidden and I made sure to keep myself hidden, she's not that tall or large to help me hide, but I knew this one must be a wolf and we're both trying to hide from it.

"And now I'm here, leave," he says and she nods, I was furious at the way he's treating her, I tried to call to my magic to beat his ass but nothing, it wasn't working, it was all stuck inside of me.
He moved away from her, going to get his own table, Honey took advantage of that, she held my arm and dragged me with her out of the shop, we ran toward her building, but lucky us, the phone rang. I got out of her hold and ran toward the phone, I picked it up and answered, praying to everyone who's listening that it would be my mother and she'd be coming to save me.

"Mom?" I ask.
"Charlotte Pandora Green, where have you been!" Mom yelled at me and I felt so relieved that it was her who was calling.
"Mom, you need to come get me," I whisper into the phone.
"Get you? Where are you Charlotte?" she asks me sounding worried now.
"I don't know Mom, but something is off, a lot of things are off, please, I need you now," I begged my mother, I don't need her anymore, I don't call to her to come and get me, I wasn't a child anymore.
"Where are you Charlotte?" she asked me and I looked at Honey for help.
"Yeah?" Honey says.

"Tell Mom where we are," I begged her, she took the phone and gave Mom her pack's name and land, I still had no idea where this was, but Mom said she'd be here in a couple of hours, she didn't have permission to come in here and get me, but she'll call.
"Okay," I agree with her, end the call and go to Honey's tiny apartment.
"Who was that guy in the shop?" I ask her.

"A part of the pack, I don't think he got your scent, hope your mom gets here before they do, did you do something? You don't smell too strong of witch," she says taking a sniff of my neck.
"Honey," I hiss and she takes a step back from me.
"Sorry," she says and I just nod.

I took a seat on her bed, being the only place someone could sit on, or do anything else, she took a seat next to me with a sigh, she had some books around and that's about it.
"So what do you usually do Honey?" I ask her.
"I have a nighttime job, I sleep in the morning, I eat at mom's job, and then I head there at night," she says.
"What kind of jobs do you do?" I ask her.
"I'm a babysitter, a night sitter mostly," she says.

"Who do you babysit in the night?" I ask her confused.
"The daughter of a vampire, she stays with her mother in the club at night and she needs someone to babysit her," she says, she's the runt of her litter, she babysits, all I could see in her was Luna, my Luna, maybe that's why I didn't hate her and didn't try to kill her yet, that along the fact that she saved my life.
"Are you okay princess? You look off," she says and I just shake my head, I need to find another topic to talk about anything but my memories of Luna.

"So you're the runt, what does that mean for you?" I ask her stupidly, asking about information that reminded me of Luna.
"It means I'm weak, but I have a family, they don't like me and would prefer to get rid of me, but they won't let others do the job," she says and I nod.
"Okay," I said and then I went quiet.

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