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Charlotte POV.

The fucking queen had me falling asleep, I woke up again, and this time I had something around my arms and feet, I was bounded and thrown somewhere dark, and when I opened my eyes I saw nothing, there was darkness all around me, only god knows where the queen is taking me or how she's sending me away.
I waited for the light to come back on, I tried to use my magic, but even my magic wasn't doing anything to the bonding they had around me, maybe it was spelt as well, maybe that's why I can't get it off.

I waited and waited some more until finally, the light was turned on, and I saw where I was, I was in a small cage, a silver cage, I tried to push and move but the bond and the cage weren't giving up.
"Look who we got here," a voice says coming toward me, I looked up from my position on the ground and saw a really tall guy walking toward me.
"Who are you?" I asked him, I had no idea who he was or what I had done to him to have me thrown in a cage.
"I'm your worst nightmare," he says and I rolled my eyes at him, how cliche of him, was he coming out from a bad movie or something, I'll show him the worst nightmare ever, just let me out of this stupid cage.

"She doesn't look scared," a woman's voice says coming next to him, she went down on her knee and now our eyes met.
"Was I supposed to be scared?" I ask her in a confident voice.
"You speak like a woman who's in charge, look around princess, you're in a cage," she says to me, she's right I was in a cage, but I wasn't going to act like a submissive girl to them.

"A princess doesn't bow her head," I say back to her, a princess only bends to her master that's what Cassius has taught me.
"How noble of you," she says in a disgusted voice standing back up.
"When would we be ready?" she asks her guy.
"The moon is almost there, the whole pack is ready for the chase," he says.

Pack? Moon? They are the wolves that the queen has sold me to so they could kill me? Does she think some dogs will be able to end me? To kill me? Once I'm done with them, I'm going to kick her ass, once I'm done I'm going to kick her ass to the depth of hell.
"Look at the princess, she hisses, you're such a wild cat," she said and I hissed again, I tried to make my magic move through me, I called my magic to roar and come to my help, but nothing.
My face dropped, it was different than trying to untie the bounds and having them have no reaction to my magic, they could be spelt but my magic, why isn't it reacting, why isn't it obeying me?

"The pack will be ready in another thirty, why don't you gather your strength, we love to have a good hunt," she says and they both leave me behind, I try to call to my magic but nothing again, I don't know what happened and I had some doubts that it had a thing to do with the bonding, maybe that's what causes me to lose my magic for now. If there's a hunt and they plan on having me run, they'll need to take my bond off and then I'll try to call to my magic again, I was terrified but I wasn't about to show my fear, I'm getting out of this, one way or another.

Thirty minutes passed like thirty years, every minute, every noise, they all had me jumping, no one knew where I was, and no one was coming to look for me, I tried to use my own physical strength to take off my bonds, but even that wasn't working, after way too long of waiting, the door opened, and they came back in.
"Are you ready princess?" he asks, opening the door of the cage, he dragged me out showing no mercy or gentleness, he pulled me out toward a car, opened the trunk and threw me there still bound in hand and legs.

He drove me off toward god knows where, and then he opened the trunk and pulled me up yet again, he was roughing me up, throwing me around, trying to scare me, and I knew I had to play it smart, so I pretended to be scared, I didn't have to do much pretending, but I showed him some of my fear and then looked at him with pleading eyes, the eyes Cassius love in the bedroom, he calls me a vixen, a liar who pretend to beg for mercy while holding the gun against his head.

"You said it's a hunt, I need to be able to run, can you untie me?" I say in my sweetest voice.
"She said to keep you bound," he says.
"I'm just a girl, you're a whole pack, I can't scare you," I say, he doesn't know I killed a pack before, he should be terrified of me.
"Hmm...a chase is always better if the prey is running," he says with a nod to his head and finally he takes the bond off my arms and legs, and I could finally move, I didn't show him how happy I was, still pretending to be scared.

"By order of the queen Tatiana, you're sentenced to death, this is your execution, now run Princess, may the gods have mercy on your soul," he says turning his back to me, how nice of him, a gentleman dog.
I started to run the thing he was expecting me to do, and so I did, trying to reach down to my magic, but nothing, there was nothing, I couldn't reach my magic again.

I groaned and kept on running, I had no idea where I was, and I didn't know how far I was from home or even if I was on American land anymore, I had to run for my life, I ran and tried to call my stupid magic that wouldn't answer to me.
I ran and ran as fast as I could, but I was very weak, I had no energy left in me and I could hear the wolves coming, I could hear them howling and growling to the moon, they weren't too far away and they'd be here soon.

I had to get away, think Charlotte, you're the daughter of Myra, you're the daughter of Madame Witch, if you don't have magic in you, then use your brain to get away from them, they are wolves they don't think very smart, they operate on instincts, and they follow scents, they have mine and they are running after it.
I had to hide my scent, I looked around for anything to musk my scent, I know about herbs, different herbs that have scent stronger than mine, or maybe water would do the trick.
For a wolf land, they shouldn't be keeping herbs that help others hide their scent, I pulled it off the ground and smothered it all over my body, it wasn't that strong or enough to hide me fully, but it'll help make them more confused as they are looking for me.

I kept on running, but when I had no more energy to run, I climbed a nearby tree, going up as high as possible, they would be looking for me on the ground, but they wouldn't be looking up to find me, I jumped from one tree to another, holding my breath every time I heard the pack get closer to me, they aren't that smart.
I took small breaks, waiting for the adrenaline to run through my body again and then I'd move through the trees again, and again, we're going to keep this through the whole night, or until the pack grows a brain and looks up.

My magic wasn't working still, maybe it was due to my tiredness, or maybe it was due to fear, I wasn't scared of them, I wanted to kill them all, but I had no power to do it, I had no way to call to any kind of magic around me to come to my help.
I was looking, no I was actually hoping to reach the end of their territory, I didn't care who their neighbours might be, anyone and anything would be better than the pack of dogs running after me.

I jumped from the tree I was on to the next one, but it was a dumb move, I was trying my luck and I had overused my luck, I fell from the top of the tree, I was sure I had broken some bones in me, I have broke more than just an arm, it felt like my ribs were broke too, and I couldn't move, now I'm a very easy prey for the wolves, they just need to come and get me, I can't even fight back.

I tried my luck one more time with my magic, but it wasn't around, my magic had betrayed me, and the only feeling I had inside of me was one that was calling to someone else, it felt like my soul was calling to someone but who the hell was my soul calling to? My mother? I hoped she'd come and get me, I hoped she'd look over the point that I was a mad teenager and decided to leave the house for a day or two, I was in danger, and calling her was my best chance, although I had a feeling it wasn't her that's my soul was begging for.

"They're going to kill you," a girl says coming toward me, she had appeared out of nowhere, and I nodded, I knew they were going to kill me.
"Come on, help me here," she says picking me up, and dragging my limping body away, I left a bloody trail behind me, they're going to catch me, they can't be that far away.
"They'll find me," I say, she needs to get away before they find the both of us.

"Princess, if you stay, you're dead, I can't let you die," she says, she called me princess, who is she?
"You know me?" I ask her.
"You're princess Charlotte, my princess, we need to keep moving, come on," she says, dragging me away, I moved along with her, using all my strength, or what's left of it, to get away from the dogs, when my magic is back, I'm going to kill them all, stupid dogs.

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