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Cassius POV.

"I'm the one in charge now," I tell the council walking into their meeting, they weren't expecting me, they were expecting my boss, my lord, the one who adopted me and cleaned me up, but that guy is dead, he's nine feet under just to make sure he won't be rising again.
"You?" a voice asks me with disgust, most of them still hate me, a lot of people still hate me, but I'm the one in charge now.

"Yes, me, the name is Cassius, I have killed Eliotte, and drank his blood," I say in a cold voice, standing in front of them, standing tall and proud, what happened back in the fey room was a massacre, we went to each other's neck, he kept trying to tell me that I owe him my life, and I told him that my life was over the day he took control of me and I'm taking back my control, I'm going to win this time.
Killing him was hard, he threw one hell of a fight, and he wouldn't die easily, but I had him dead soon enough, after killing Elliot, I had to drink some of his blood, not a lot, just a couple drops would be enough to give me all of his power, to make me the next house Lord.

"How dare you! You leache! You gold digger! I knew from the beginning that you were acting! This is what you wanted from the beginning," she yells at me, she's one of Eliotte's many mistresses, he did her right in front of me more than once, she had no pride and she's pretending to have the honour of a virgin in front of the council.
"Gold digger? I remember Eliotte digging deep inside of you, and you enjoying it, save the drama, you're happy he's gone," I answer her making her eyes go wild big and her whole face turn red, she sat down before I could tell her off again.

"You killed him?" someone else asks, leaning back on his chair.
"I did," I say.
"And drank some of his blood?" he asks me next with a smile on his face.
"I said that I did, I do not lie," I say plainly, I was bored from lying, from hiding and pretending to be someone I wasn't.
"You did well so far Cassius, but you should know that killing, having some of the blood ain't enough, you need to have a sponsor or at least someone to be there with you, someone to support your ruling," he says.

"But I do have a supporter," I say with a big smile on my face, I couldn't wait for him to ask me this question, I wanted to answer it so badly, I had great news for all of them.
"Although I'd love to entertain you, and the idea of having you as the boss, but it's not enough," he says chuckling at me, I rolled my eyes at him, not funny, I had the best supporter ever.
"I have the support of Prince Caspian," I say happily and see the blood drain from their faces, we aren't fully alive, all of the vampires have more dead inside of us than alive sells and souls, and the king of the fey stood on my side, making the dead part of them more prominent, it was funny, I couldn't hold back my dark and humourless laugh.

"You're lying," another voice yells, the prince isn't on any of the vampires' side, he's one of the coldest kings out there, and he doesn't make a deal with us either.
"Call him," I say with a big smile, he was waiting for it, he's waiting to be called and asked about his support to me.
"We can't do that," the same lady says and I roll my eyes at her, right she's worried he'd refuse her in bed again.

"Let me do it," I say getting my phone and calling him, he was expecting it, and he answered right away.
"Cassius," he says sounding amused.
"I have you on speaker, can you please tell the people who you are," I say.

"My name is Prince Caspian, the king of the summer kingdom," he says through the phone, his voice holding an aura that no one could replicate, he was the king of the fey and no one could tell him he was lying, that it's not him.
"Please tell them what you think of me," I say giving everyone a look, waiting for him to tell them that he was my one and only supporter.
"I support you as the newest part of the vampire council," the king of the fey says and I could see the hate, the anger and the desire to kill me.

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