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Charlotte POV.

I used my magic and made it move his clothes, and touch his hair, I had a big smile on my face as he was looking around, searching for the ghost, I didn't know the vampires were so scared of ghosts, but they are terrified, are they catholic too? I thought to myself with a chuckle.

"Who's out there?" he called out loud, but I kept quiet, I stopped the laugh I had a very short and quiet laugh, and I dodged in the bushes to hide from him, he kept looking around, and I used some of my magic to make the trees move on the other side of me, just the opposite side.
He walked over there and yelled who's there again, it was the stupidest question ever, would a ghost tell him it's me?
That gave me an idea, I used a spell I don't use much, it's one mom taught me so I can mess with Oliver, I know it's weird mom teaching me spells to mess with my older brother, but he's such a prick he needs someone to mess with him.

'It's me,' a voice whispers right next to him, in his ear, I saw his eyes go wild and he jumped up.
I had to shut myself up, I put both hands on my mouth to shut myself up, it was funny, very funny, I should've come out with the rest before, it's a shame that I haven't done this before.
"Who's me?" the guy asks, he still sounded scared, but then he looked around again, his face changed from scared to a firm look.

"If it's one of you out there, I'm going to kick your arses," he says, did he know it's me? I'm the one messing with him.
I think it's time for me to move, to get back to the cars, and leave with the rest of the coven, I looked behind me, but saw more vampires were around, I had to stay where I was, I tried to remember any kind of spells that could help me get out of here without being caught.

"It's one of the witches," a guy says to the one I was tormenting.
"It's a strong one, their magic feels different," the one I was messing with says.
"What do you want us to do?" the guard asks him, he's clearly the one in charge here.
"Find them, and bring them over, messing with the teenagers and guards is one thing, but messing with me is another," he says sounding pissed and angry, I guess I have messed with the wrong guy.

"Yes, Lord," the guards says and I had the feeling that I have bitten more than I could chew, I'm not going to tell them, hey I didn't mean to, I'll find my own way out, I'm not such a young and weak girl, I know how to handle myself.
I stayed down waiting for the guards to get away from me, they were looking, and I helped them looking for by making the trees move the way I wanted it to, when they went to one side, I got up and started to run the opposite way trying to get away from them.

I was starting to make progress getting away from the guard and their lord, but I wasn't leaving through the same borderline that I came in from, I wasn't very familiar with the vampire lands, I had no idea where they stopped and where they begin, but I knew I wanted to get away with them, I'll try my luck with another supernatural or preferably the humans.
I felt that I was getting near the end, the effect of vampires got less and less as I moved away, and then I was out of the danger zone, I was out of the vampire's land, even if they caught me now, they can't accuse me of anything, I'm not on their land anymore.

"I saw you running, you better come back here," it was the Lord's voice calling after me, yeah right, I'd go back into his land and I'll be free game.
"Sorry for annoying you, I'll be out of your hair now," I say looking back at him, still on the other side of the border.
"You'll want to come back in here," he says and I raised a brow at him.
"Why? I'll be going home," I answer him, turning my back to him ready to leave, but he calls me back.

"Girl, come back in here so I can keep you safe," he yells after me.
"Safe from what? I think you have a ghost problem over your side," I yell and giggle, as I walk away, but he yells again getting my attention.
"You don't want to go, believe me, girl, come back to this side before they get here," he warns me.

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