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Charlotte POV.

"Kids, I want you out of the house," Mom says to both of me and Oliver, I shrugged, I didn't mind or care about being kicked out of the house, not the first and won't be the last time she kicked us out when she needs to do some kind of work and jobs with people that are too dangerous for us to meet or see.
"Gladly, I'm sleeping over at Tristan's place," I say happily, ready to leave, I got my overnight bag and left the house, I have learned to drive, and Tristan has gifted me a car, I don't have a small fast car like the one Olli drives. Tristan has gifted me a big SUV with tinted windows, the outside looked dark and scary, but the inside of the car, had some decoration put in by me, a driving wheel pink fluffy cover, the mats on the floor were pink, and I had a cat with big blue eyes hanging down from my mirror.

I drove toward Tristan's place, he's not even staying in the fey lands, too worried that they would be watching me, or trying to gather information on me, he hasn't gone back since the day he brought me over here, he and Kayce are living the human realm life.
I made a quick stop at my favourite burger stop, ordered food for all of us, and then drove toward Tristan's place, holding the food with both hands and having my bag over my shoulder, I didn't have a hand to knock on the door, so I used to my magic to open it and walked right in.

"Hey, I'm back," I say with a big smile on my face, I go right toward the dining table, put the food on the table and call for them again.
"Guys, are you home?" I yelled out loud, and then down came Kayce, running on the stairs, since Tristan wasn't here, he couldn't scold her for it, and I never bother, as long as she doesn't break her neck, I don't care.

"Hey, I got dinner," I say with a smile, Tristan doesn't like fast food, but we do, it's one of the best parts of being in the human realm.
"Oh thank you, Char-char," she says happily, taking a seat on the table, I sat too and started to eat with her.
"Where's your daddy?" I ask her.
"Showering," she answers me.

We ate in silence until Tristan came down, dressed in human clothes, he had a hard time getting used to dressing like us, to drop the armour and the sword, he still had a sword spelt and hidden on him the whole time, but the whole human clothes were a hard pill for him to swallow.
"I got dinner," I say, my mouth filled with burger.
"Don't talk with your mouth full, you're a princess, act like one. This food is going to kill you," he says looking at the food we're having.
"Right, and they fey food wouldn't?" I ask him with a raised brow, too much fey food and a human or half fey would fie from him.

"If you live there long enough, your fey blood will take over, and it won't hurt you anymore," Tristan says with a shrug.
"The human food hurts no one," I answer him with a shrug, I knew he missed his home, and he missed everything he had back in his world, I tried telling him to go back, to leave to the fey world, but he kept assuring me that he'll only be where I am.

"What are you doing here tonight? Another fight with your mother?" he asks me.
"No, she kicked me out, she got work to do," I say answering him, it's not the first time she kicked me out and I enjoy coming over to his place.
"You're always welcome here," Tristan says with a smile, I took him up on his offer, I came over often, and a lot of those nights, I slept over at their place.

The next day when I went home, I saw that Mom was busy studying, something about creating a creature, from what I understood she was creating a mythical creature for the dragon, I waited until me and Oliver were alone so we could throw a couple of jokes.
"Remember what we talked about the third one?" I whisper to him and he laughs out loud, getting a side look from Mom.
"Lucifer and the dragons? What is she thinking," he says making me chuckle as well.

"She's crazy, crazy," I whisper and we both laughed, we loved our mom, and we'd always stand behind her and her decisions, but this one was one of her craziest ones.
A few days later, we had a green egg to call our sibling, I called mom full-on crazy, but Oliver told me we should love the egg no matter what and no matter how long it takes to hatch.
"Right, I'm going to call it breakfast until it hatches," I say with a chuckle.
"That's just mean Char-char," he says and I shrugged, being nice wasn't one of my virtues.

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