Tanmay's mother knows Aahan truth

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Tanmay was talking on an important phone call with his client, his eyes fell on siha.

He was so shocked, he knew siha was here, Nikita informed him, but he didn't expect to meet her so soon at the parking lot.

He is seeing her after 2 years. She still looks so beautiful, elegant and divine. She still has long hair. She is looking stunning in a blue lehenga.

He looked from head to toe. Tanmay noticed Siha was not wearing vermillion or mangalsutra (nuptial chain). Maybe she had a court marriage. He thought.

His eyes fall on a baby in siha arms. His face was not visible. The baby was clinging to Siha like a babymonkey. He recalls siha was pregnant with his kids if siha was healthy, if her body could manage to give birth, by now they would have their own son. Tanmay would have been a father now.

As soon as siha notices tanmay is looking at her son ,she puts her hand on her son's head , to ensure he doesn't lift his head from the hook of her Neck.

She looked at tanmay,Her eyes meet with tanmay. Tanmay looked as always tall and handsome. He has a well built body, Seems like he started working out . siha diverted her mind , why she is thinking about Tanmay in such a way. He is a rapist.

" Sihaa " tanmay called siha.

Siha doesn't know what to do, whether she should reply or not.

" Jiju... Tanmay" Siha replied.

Tanmay started taking his steps towards siha. But he got interrupted by a Nikita voice , then he moved his head backward , stopped at his place.

Nikita comes close to both of them. Nikita hold tanmay biceps and she asked " what are you doing here love , mumma is calling you inside." She leans towards the tanmay shoulder. She put her head on his shoulder.

" Oh siha, you are also here , I didn't notice you . Tanmay's mom is calling him , we have to go." Nikita said to siha.

" Yes sure , I'm also going inside after taking a parcel " siha said .

" After taking the parcel, come to my room, siha " Nikita said to siha .

Siha notices Nikita is behaving strangely. She is clinging to tanmay. It doesn't look like she is being forced for this engagement.

Tanmay looked at siha , he ignored Nikita but Nikita dragged him inside her room.

" Where are you lost Tanmay, she is a married woman, don't look at her like that. Control yourself, she is not your wife anymore" Nikita said to tanmay .

" I was not looking at her. " Tanmay said.

" I know you very well tanmay, don't lie to me." Nikita said to tanmay.

Nikita noticed Siha at the gate of her room , she started acting.

"Ah! My eyes , something is in my eye . " Nikita said.

Tanmay bent down to check Nikita's eyes.

Siha came inside the house after taking the parcel. She went towards Nikita's room , her room gate was open , she looked inside. Tanmay's back was facing her. Tanmay's neck was downward, from the angle it was looking, tanmay kissing Nikita.

" Can you lift me and take me to the bathroom, I can't see properly?" Nikita asked .

" Sure " tanmay replied.

He lifted Nikita in bridal style, unaware of the fact , siha is watching at them.

Nikita placed her head on Tanmay's shoulder . She looked at siha from tanmay's shoulder. She gave a smile to siha And tanmay took her inside the washroom. She washed her eyes.

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