nitika pregnant

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Nikita removed her clothes. She then removed the tanmay shirt , pants and made him naked , while he was lying unconscious on the sofa.

She lifts his legs and makes him  sleep on sofa.  She lay above his body.

She kissed his lips, " mine " she whispered.

She took her phone from the table. She clicked their photos. She kissed him . She placed herself between his legs and clicked pics at such an angle. It looks like they had sex .

After being satisfied with her work . She wears her clothes back. She kept looking at the naked body of Tanmay for a few minutes and smirked.

She went to the kitchen, and she made noodles for her. She kept looking at Tanmay from the kitchen the whole time.

She takes a Bowl of noodles and sits in front of Tanmay and eats while looking at his naked  body.

After finishing, she washed the dishes. She took ice cubes from the fridge. She came close to tanmay. She made a drink for herself. She kept drinking while looking at him.

She took one ice cube, she rubbed it on his lips. All the   water which was falling down from his lips , she sucked all .

" You were always mine , why you never noticed my love for you tanmay. I did everything for you why you chose Neha over me. You married her. You made her pregnant. You never called me. You completely forget me all these years, Tanmay . What Neha had . I'm more beautiful. I have a more beautiful body tanmay . Why did you choose Neha over me." Nitika asked tanmay , who was unconscious due to the drug she mixed in his drinks at the club.

" I tried everything to forget you. I went away . But I couldn't forget you. When I came back Neha was pregnant. How can you do that to me? I loved you my whole life but you never loved me back." Nikita asked.

" How dare you choose her over me. I removed her between us. Only only her but her baby too. Now I will give you a baby. You will be mine only mine tanmay. You will be my puppet. You will believe whatever I will make you believe". She said and started dressing tanmay.

" Your stupid wife trusts me . She got married. When she will come along with her husband and son . You will move on . You will think that the boy is her and Ruhan's son . You will move on tanmay. You will only love me." Nitika muttered.

" Your stupid wife and her illegitimate son is the only key , I will make you mine " Nikita lays her head on his chest and sleeps close to him.


Meanwhile , all memories of Tanmay did to her flashback in Sinha's mind as she walked out of the airport.

She called Nikita but she didn't answer. She called her again . This time Nikita answered her call .

" Hello di , I am at the airport, so can you send anyone to drop me at the hotel. " Siha asked.

Nikita replied in her sleepy voice " you can come to my house, I will be at my home too in half an hour . My fiance wanted me at night , so I was here with him . I wanna share big news with you . I will be reaching home soon . You come too " .

"Okay di " siha replied.

Nitika disconnected the call.

The driver came to take Siha and she reached Nitika house.

Aahan was sleeping in her arms, she covered her face with her scarf so that sunlight wouldn't bother him.

Nitika came , she hugged  little as  was in her arms.

" Is he your son? " Nikita asked.

" Yes , he is , he is tired that's why he is sleeping "  replied.

"Okay ,where is your husband?"Nitika asked.

If Siha hesitated for a movement, she didn't wanna make Nikita unhappy on her special day. So she lied.

" Ruhan has an emergency case so he can't come with us on this flight so he will come in the next one.don't worry he will reach your engagement ceremony"  replied.

"Mumma, I am taking Siha to my room. I have something important to talk about with her " Nitika said to her mother and she took Siha to her room. She closed the gate of her room .

" You can make your son sleep in bed so that we can talk comfortably on the sofa" she said and went towards the sofa to sit.

Siha removed her scarf from her neck and covered Ahan with it and laid him down on the bed .

She went near the sofa and sat next to Nitika .

" What do you wanna talk about? " Siha asked.

" I lied to you over the phone call. I am forced for this engagement  . I am pregnant. " Nikita said while taking sinha's both hands in her.

" You what? " Siha asked .

" Yes I'm 3 months pregnant. '' Nikita said.

" So , the father of the baby forced you for an engagement"  asked .

" Yes , he loves kids , he wasn't his baby . He said if I don't marry him , he will destroy my family. I wanted to abort the baby. But he didn't let me. He intentionally made me pregnant. He has my naked pics . And his and mine pics in an intimate position. He will blackmail me if I won't marry him and won't give him his baby , he will viral all my and his pics. Then my dad's company will get destroyed" Nitika said while fake crying.

" Don't cry, who did this to you "  asked

" He drugged me and had sex with me and made me pregnant. He is tanmay. Siha " Nitika said.

" I am pregnant with Tanmay's child, Siha . He forced me to get married. He wants his baby. He loved his unborn baby a lot. He is my childhood friend and he is still doing this to me . " Nitika said while sobbing.

She hugged Siha . " I am pregnant with Tanmay's child  ".


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