Nitika & tanmay engagement

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Nitika took tanmay's mother to the engagement hall. Siha also followed them too. She had aahan in her arms.

" Aunty you go and join, I will come with Siha " Nitika said to tanmay's mother when they reach hall.

"Okay beta " Tanmay's mother replied. She looked backward at Siha and bowed her head a little to acknowledge her presence.

Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to have to be the groom and bride on the stage.
Announcement was made by Anchor.

Nikita  went towards siha. " Hide aahan face . Tanmay should not see him . If you want you can attend the function but make sure tanmay doesn't see aahan. " Nitika said and she went towards the stage.

Tanmay was near stagem he went there too. Nitika was so happy, today is her happiest day in her life. She will finally get what she always has.

Soft music was playing in the background. Nikita slit ring in tanmay finger and it was tanmay turn . He looked here and there , he was looking for someone special, but he couldn't find.his Graz fell on his mother. He remembers what he is doing for his mother's health so he closed his eyes , took deep breaths, his eyes met with Nitika's .

Nikita assured him by her eyes , everything will be okay, just made her wear a ring.

Siha was behind the pillar . Tanmay can't see her. She noticed Nikita body language, she was not looking at all forced . She understood something was wrong, she had to find out. Nikita aborted her child , he lied . She must be connected with Neha's death too. She has to do something for her sister.

She doesn't know what to do, how to stop Nikita from winning. She trusted the wrong person. Her sister trusted the wrong person. Her ex-husband trusted the wrong person.

Her mind was numb . She was trying to figure out what she should do. By then her Graz met with her mother-in-law.

Tanmay's mother gestured to her for assurance.

" Tanmay beta " tanmay's mom is called tanmay.

" What do you think ? Put ring I to her finger" tanmay for his mother, put ring inside Nikita's finger.

Everyone clapped and cheered for them .

Nitika gave a speech for tanmay. She went towards Tanmay, she hugged him.. Tanmay hugged her back as he can't deny in public, he has to act.

Nitika cupped tanmay face ,and placed a quick pick on tanmay lips.

"Tanmay beta come here, " Tanmay's mother screamed.

Tanmay pushed Nikita and went to his mom.
Nikita gets angry. But she can't do anything.soon Tanmay will be hers. So she let it go this time.

When she saw that everyone was busy dancing, they drank .

He left the party and went to siha's room.

" Siha I have booked a flight for you, you can leave along with your baby from India . As your husband must be waiting for you. I don't want tanmay to harm you. You should go from here as soon as possible. " Nikita said.

" Why so soon , tanmay can't do anything to me , don't worry di , I will stay here . He won't harm me or my baby. " Siha replied.

" You don't know him, he killed your baby , he can kill your aahan too. Go away from here, siha . please. Your flight is in one hour , get ready, we have to leave before anyone sees us. " Nikita said.

She pulled out a suitcase.she packed all clothes and accessories of siha within 5 minutes. Let's go.

She grabs Siha's hand towards parking lot.

" Why are you so afraid didi. I am not going anywhere. I have resigned from my hospital. They transferred me here . I will be joining your hospital form next week.sorry i forgot to inform you sister. " Siha said .

" No, India is not safe for you, you were living a good life there. You should go there. Your husband is waiting for you " Nikita said.

" I didn't remarry. I lied to you . Ruhan cheated on me . He left me alone. I don't wanna go there again.he broke my heart didi (sister). I didn't wanna bother you, that's why I didn't inform you before the engagement. Now all the ceremony is done ,so now I can inform you .He cheated me didi(sister) . " She faked crying.

She hugged Nitika . "It's payback time , be ready to face karma Nikita " she said to herself.

Siha gave Nitika a fake smile. Nikita smiled back with the same energy.

" Can I stay with you till I find a new flat for me? " Siha asked .

"Actually, I live with Tanmay now. Tanmay won't like it if I won't be with him at night. So if you want you can stay with my mother " Nikita lied.

" Noo ,it's fine , I will stay at the hotel until I find a new flat." Siha said.

" Okay , Tanmay must be looking for me , I have to go. Nikita said and she walked away and started looking for tanmay.

Siha looked here and there. She doesn't know where she will go now. Atleast Nikita should ask her to stay tonight. Where she will go now.

She lied to Nikita smoothly but now she has to resign and transfer her here.

She booked a hotel online and booked a cab for her and went to the hotel.he was determined, she will find a way. She will bring the truth. She will find out why Nikita is doing so.


Next project after "married to my brother-in-law" will be " my husband's girlfriend" if you want you can check it out as well.

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