drinks and Tears

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It's been a week since Nitika and tanmay decided to do fake  engagement.

Nitika is sure in this one year she will make tanmay to fall in love with her. She will make sure he will only love her.

To make it possible, she called siha back to india , so that when tanmay sees siha with her husband, he will fully accept reality and move on from siha .

Tanmay wants simple engagement but Nikita doesn't, it's her dream to marry tanmay. So she convinced the tanmay for  a big engagement party.

2 days left for their engagement . Nikita  is planning everything for her engagement . She arranged rings ,her lahenga , decoration, venue and all.

Tanmay left alcohol and clubbing habit but he became a workaholic . He didn't help Nitika with anything.

Nitika wants to spend time with tanmay before engagement. So she is trying everything to get his attention but he ignores her .

Tomorrow siha will come , Nitika wanna make sure , siha sees tanmay is Nikita's now . One of the reasons she called siha .

Nikita is unaware that siha didn't  married to Ruhan. She doesn't know how siha son looks like.


Tanmay was working, Nitika went to his house to take him to party.

Tanmay denied but tanmay mother forced him to go with Nikita.

He eventually said yes despite he had no mood .

Nikita and tanmay left for club at which there old friends were throwing party.

As they reached the club, Nikita held tanmay's hand , intertwined their figures. She smiled genuinely at their friends as they reach there. Tanmay wear fake smile. He pretends like he is happy.

They took there respective seats on a table where there friends were sitting.

Tanmay becomes furious as soon as he saw Rahul at club along with his friends. He controlled his anger. He don't understand audicity of this man , who was boyfriend of his wife, made her pregnant is attending his party.

They all have some talks .

" I knew you both will marry one day, you guys were perfect couple power couple of our college. We were surprised you choose Neha at place of Nikita, tanmay " one of friends said.

" We were designate to be together. See we are together now " Nikita replied.

" You guys looks great together. Neha was never tanmay's type " Rahul said.

Tanmay without replying stand up. He went near drinking bar. He started drinking. He avoided having any fighting with his late wife's boyfriend.

He controlled himself this year's not to drink. But today he can't. Drink after drink. He lost himself. He kept drinking till Nikita came to stop him .but he didn't stop.

" Lets go home, it's too much tanmay. " Nitika said while taking glass from tanmay hand .

" Don't stop me . I need it . You won't understand." Tanmay said.

" Obviously i understand love, I am your childhood friend, i know everything. You can share anything with me . I won't judge toh tanmay. Lets just go out of this place once." Nitika said.

She grabbed his hands and dragged him out of club. She drive car to her pant house.

She open the door . Made tanmay sit on sofa. He was too drunk to even walk.

His tears didn't stopped.after seeing Rahul all his emotions comes out. He started recalling past. How Neha betrayed him.everything was lie. He would never knew if his mother in law didn't told him about Neha and her baby.

He open two button if his shirt, folded his sleeves. Put down his head and kept crying.

Neha comes to the sofa and sits near tanmay, She offers him a glass of  water.but he denied . Neha kept glass on table.

She lifted tanmay head. She put her both balm on his face . Tanmay was emotionally drained. He needed emotional support. He let his best friend to console him.

She took him in a hug. He hugged her back. He started crying loudly.

" Neha ..Neha is cheated on me with Rahul. She used me to forget rahul. She was pregnant and the baby was not mine but Rahul's Nikita. She betrayed me . She used me to forget rahul. " He cried while speaking.

" I know everything tanmay. I knew it from college days. I tried to tell you many times but you was never ready to listen to me. You choose new girls over your school best friend.its okay past is gone. We are going to start new life. I will give you love. You will forget Neha tanmay. " Nitika asked.

" I did bad things to siha because of my foolishness. She was not at fault. I made her life hell. I used her body. I never give her love and respect a wife deserves.i had no right to treat her that way just because I loved Neha . I killed my own baby " he cried out.

" You was in depression after Neha death. Your mom forced you for marriage. You didn't forced her. You didn't used her body. She gave you permission tanmay. You didn't killed you baby. I told you her medical history. I told you about her health. She can't conceive. She can't be mother. She is too weak . He  body can't carry a baby. If you didn't abort that baby she might have died. Didn't I told you. Then why are you blaming yourself. You did all that to save siha life tanmay." Nikita said

" No i killed my baby. She thinks I m killer. I killed our baby . Neha and siha both cheated on me , I was forced to kill my own baby to save siha . I have no one, I'm so  lonely , no one is there in this world whom I can call mine, I could have saved my baby if it was not costing me siha's life " tanmay said while sobbing.

" Don't blam yourself. You did everything to save her life. You should have told her reason instead of forcing her of abortion .stop saying you killed, you didn't, all you did because you wanted to save her , you choosed her instead of your unborn baby  tanmay , why you become villen tanmay. Your method was wrong. Don't cry baby. Past is gone we have future together. He have beautiful life ahead. I will give you lots of babies. Don't cry. You will love me unconditionally one day . " Nikita said and she kissed his hair's.

Tanmay was too drunk. Sleep was taking over his body. Nikita lift tanmay head from her shoulder. She minimise distance between there face. She cupped the tanmay face between her plan.

She leaned down to kiss his lips . She was about to place a kiss on his lips but tanmay fell down on the sofa , he passed out.. Nitika bend down and kissed his cheek.

" Mine , you are only mine tanmay. No one take away you from me love. Sleep well my love. I will make everything okay ." Nikita said.


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