Trauma & Drama

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After the engagement was done, Tanmay left the venue. He went home. When he opened the gate , he saw his mother was talking to someone on call. He gave her a fainted smile and went towards the stairs to go to his room.

Tanmay's mother notice , Tanmay was not looking good. Seems like he cried. She stopped him by calling," tanmay" .

Tanmay stopped when his mother called him. He turned back towards her. " Yes mumma " Tanmay replied.

" Come here , sit with me " tanmay went towards his mother, he sat down on the sofa near his mother.

" What happened to you, why does your face is look so dull, your eyes are swelling" tanmay mother asked while creasing his hairs.

" Nothing mumma, can I put my head in your head for a few minutes. I want peace mumma " tanmay asked.

" Aw my baby, you don't have to ask tanmay, you are my bacha , obviously you can " tanmay's mother replied.

Tanmay removed his shoes, he kept his head in his mother's lap , he lay down on the sofa. He spoon himself. He closed his eyes. Tears fell down from his eyes as he closed his eyes. Tanmay's mother saw tears, her heart clinched when she saw her son like that. She knows Tanmay doesn't want discussion. He doesn't speak much. He doesn't like conversation. So she let him lay down in peace. He creased his hair.

" Mumma , are you happy now ? " Tanmay asked.

" Huu , ohh yes , I am sorry Tanmay for always forcing my decision on you. I should have forced you to marry siha and then again next marriage. When I knew you were depressed after Neha and your child's death, I shouldn't have forced you. I am guilty. You don't have to marry Nikita, you can break the engagement. I won't force you know. You can take your time to heal. I am with you beta (son) ." Tanmay's mother said while her eyes were filled with tears when she saw her son's condition like this.

Tanmay lifted his head from his mother's lap. " Really mom , I can break the engagement. Promise me you will be careful with your health. You won't be worried about my life . Promise me " tanmay asked in an excited voice.

" Yes, I promise, I will be careful. I won't force you for marriage. You can take your time to heal. I didn't make a mistake once , I won't repeat. You can break your engagement. " Tanmay's mother said and she smiled at tanmay.

Tanmay hugged his mother," thank you so much mumma. I will talk to Nikita tomorrow. I will call off this engagement. " Tanmay said.

Tanmay's mother took her 30 year old son in her embrace and hugged her back and kissed his hair. He is still like a small tanmay for her. No matter how old a child gets , they always need a mother .


Tanmay came inside his room after talking with his mother, his mother forcefully made him have his dinner.

He took a bath, change his clothes. He was relaxed now . He won't destroy another girl's life. He knows he is depressed. He can't move on easily. Now it's become his habit to leave in the past. He doesn't have anything to offer to anyone.

He took his phone, he dialed Nikita's number, Nikita answered.

" Hey Niki, I hope you haven't slept yet, I called you to ask if we can meet tomorrow. " Tanmay asked.

Nikita was shocked, she didn't expect Tanmay to ask her out. She became happy.She blushed a little.

" Yes , sure we can meet , I will be free from the hospital by 8 . I will change there. My car is servicing , can you come to pick me up at the hospital tomorrow. " Nikita said.

" Okay , I will come . Bye " tanmay disconnected the call.

He will be free. He won't destroy another girl life now. He already have damaged siha lot. That girl was his wife's sister and she was his wife. Instead of giving her love , he gave siha lifetime trauma . He didn't approach siha today , because he is guilty. Siha has moved on ,she has a husband and son.

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