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Contains: fingering, public sex(beach)

Y/n PoV

I was excited for today. I would take Scarlett to the beach and propose her. We were in France, Côte d'Azur, to be exact and I loved it here. I spend my holidays with my parents where when I was a child and now I showed Scarlett everything. She loved it here too and even wanted to buy a house in the cute, small village I spend my childhood holidays in.

„Hey Scar, Babe. Are you ready?" I asked and laughed as soon as I saw Scarlett. She applied sunscreen on her face but she turned her face more into a painting than really applying the sunscreen.

„Don't laugh" She deadpanned me and I chuckled.

„Okay, okay, babe. Uhm- do you need help?" I asked softly and went over to her, grabbing the sunscreen.

„My back" She mumbled and I smiled turning her around. I squirted the sunscreen onto her skin and she flinched immediately. „Hey, That's cold!" She said and laughed.

„Mh, Im sorry" I smirked and started to massage the sunscreen in while relaxing some of the tense muscles. Scarlett tilted her head to the side and gave me access to her neck. I smirked softly before pulling her into my front, kissing her neck, planting gentle kisses all over it. Scarlett gasped and her breathing got slightly heavier.

„Can we stay here? And cancel the beach?" She asked and I chuckled against her skin.

„No, you promised me that we go there. And I want to go there. It's important for me, Scar" I said softly and Scarlett nodded.

„Sex after?" She looked at me hopefully, making me laugh.

„Gosh, you're so horny... Uhm- Maybe" I smirked and Scarlett slapped my arm playfully.

„I'm not horny. I- I just like you very much and I want all of your body" She smiled at her explanation and I shook my head, chuckling.

„Still horny" I mumbled to myself. „Now let's go" I clapped two times and took the bag with towels and water in it.

„Wait! My book" Scarlett said and laid a book into the bag.

„That's 50 Shades of Grey, Scarlett" I sighed and she nodded.

„First of all, full First name?! Seriously." She shook her head.
„And I like the book- not the movie though" She explained, making me smirk.

„You blushed" I stated and she slapped my arm.

„Well, surprise, I can blush too. I just don't blush that often" She tried to defend herself.

„You always blush when I talk dirty to you" I said and grabbed the bag before starting to run away.

„Y/n y/m/n y/l/n!" Scarlett shouted and started chasing me. I shook my head and ran the way down to the beach.

When I arrived I threw the sand and took my dress off, turning around to see where Scarlett was. She was close. I laughed before starting to run again, this time into the sea. I gasped at the sudden coldness but for this hot weather it was exactly the right thing.

„Maybe I should go back" I said to myself and got out of the water, walking back to the place where I dropped my bag.

„Oh, you're here already" I said to Scarlett who sat on a towel and took off her shorts and T-Shirt at the moment.

„Mh, yeah" She said slowly and put her clothes in the bag.

„Do you want to swim with me?" I asked and she shook her head.

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