Rooms Pt. 2 | SMUT

399 12 4

Contains: masturbation, praise, Mommy kink, fingering, oral sex, squirting, strap- on sex, kinda public sex(on a balcony with loud moans and screams), some degrading(mentions of the word slut)

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Y/n PoV

„Continue" Scarlett breathed and sat up again, waiting for me to pick her up, bringing her to the next room.

The bathroom that was attached to our bedroom.

„Nope, You're going to walk, darling. Work for your pleasure" I smiled and walked into the bathroom, leaving her on the bed.

„I hate you" She whined and tried to get up, walking slowly and on wobbly legs into the bath.

I sat myself on the counter and spread my legs. My hand wandered down my own body, massaging my breasts softly before going down to my heat. Scarlett moaned looking at me, biting her bottom lip softly. I circled my clit slowly, gasping softly at the feeling. I added some more pressure, building up the rhythm I liked the best. My moans grew louder and I watched how Scarlett started to finger herself. I tried to concentrate on my own feelings at first and used my second hand to slide two fingers into me, thrusting in and out slowly. I let my head fall back against the mirror over the counter and my legs began to shake. The knot in my stomach tightened and I came all over my fingers, riding out my high before pulling out slowly.

„Fuck" I breathed and opened my eyes, watching Scarlett how she fingered herself chasing her own orgasm.

„I'm so close" Scarlett whimpered and her back arched violently. I smiled, even when I didn't directly did things to her she waited for my permission for her to cum.

„Cum for me, baby. Be a good girl" I whispered and Scarlett's mouth hung open in pleasure while she came over her fingers, her whole body shaking. She pulled her fingers out gently and I kneeled down in front of Scarlett. I sucked her fingers clean, swirling my tongue around it, parting her fingers and licking between them. When I pulled away, a string of saliva connected my mouth with her fingers. Scarlett smiled and took her fingers in her own mouth, cleaning up my saliva.

„Let's go to the guest bedroom" I whispered into her ear and kissed the soft skin under her ear before nibbling on her earlobe.

„We- We can't fuck in the guest bedroom" Scarlett said quietly and I chuckled.

„Darling, you said you want me to fuck you in every room. The guest bedroom is a room" I smiled and lifted her up softly.

„We cant- Elizabeth will be sleeping there tomorrow" She whined and I smirked.

„Why don't we ask her to fuck with us tomorrow? Then it's nothing special in that room anymore" I husked into her ear, making Scarlett shiver softly.

„That sounds good" She whispered and I nodded.

„And now let's make it normal to fuck in that room" I smirked and threw her onto the bed of the guest bedroom.

„Can I eat you out Mommy?" Scarlett asked quietly and I nodded, pecking her lips.

„Sure" I replied and laid Scarlett on her back gently, lowing myself onto her face. I ground down onto her face softly and felt how Scarlett's tongue entered me. My head fell back and I gripped the headboard tighter, releasing loud moans.

„God, you're doing so good, baby. You're such a good girl for Mommy" I praised and moaned softly. Scarlett grabbed me by my thighs and pulled me deeper into her. Her tongue thrusted in and out of me, hitting my g-spot from time to time.

„Continue that, darling. You're gonna make Mommy cum" I moaned and my legs shook slightly. Scarlett's nose bumped against my clit and I came hard all over her face. Scarlett cleaned me up gently and I pulled away from her head. Her eyes sparkled and she smiled widely. Her whole chin and mouth was covered in my cum and she cleaned herself up gently.

„You taste amazing, Mommy" She whispered and I chuckled quietly.

„You taste amazing too, darling" I replied and went to the guest bathroom.

„Now come on. I want to unholy the bathroom too" I smiled and Scarlett blushed hardly.

„Okay" She whispered and followed me.

In the bathroom. I pressed Scarlett up against the wall of the shower and ran my hand up and down her body. Scarlett's breathing got heavier and I smiled, softly massaging her breasts, pinching her nipples.

„Please" Scarlett breathed and her own hand cupped my heat. She slipped two fingers into me and I moaned at the new feeling, pushing my own fingers into her vagina. Scarlett moaned loudly and curled my fingers up inside me, hitting my g-spot. I searched for the spongy spot inside Scarlett for myself. I felt the small spot and thrusted up against it and Scarlett let out a surprised moan, making me smile.

„Oh god, this feels different. Keep doing that. Be a good girl for Mommy. Make mommy cum" I moaned and the knot in my stomach tightened. This one felt different and I already knew it. I was close to squirting. I thrusted into Scarlett at a faster pace, rubbing her clit with my thumb while hitting her G-Spot almost every time.

„I'm so close" Scarlett moaned and I allowed her to cum, capturing her lips in a breath-taking kiss. Scarlett moaned loudly into my mouth and came, with an incredible amount of cum, all over my fingers. I let go too and squirted all over Scarlett's hand and onto the shower floor. Scarlett smiled proudly, seeing what she had done to me.

„Thank you. You're my good girl" I breathed and kissed her softly, rubbing her waist up and down.

„Last round on the balcony?" I asked, smiling softly.

„Yes. I said every room. I'll count the balcony as one" Scarlett chuckled and I nodded.

„I'll get the strap, okay?" I asked and Scarlett nodded, moaning softly.

I meet Scarlett on the balcony, smiling at her eagerness. The 9 inches strap-on was attached to my hips already and Scarlett moaned at the sight. Scarlett gripped the railing of the balcony and walked over to her. I wrapped one arm around her waist and one of her legs wrapped itself around me waist. I held myself back and it took me a lot to not slam the toy into her immediately.

„I want you" Scarlett moaned breathily and I lined up her pussy with the tip of the toy, slowly pushing a few inches in. Scarlett grabbed my shoulders and dug her fingernails into my shoulder blades, making me sure she drew blood already. I bottomed out and watched how Scarlett's eyes rolled back when I started thrusting in and out of her slowly. She whined and whimpered before moaning loudly. I picked up my pace and pulled Scarlett closer by her waist.

„That's right" I whispered into her ear. „Scream my name so whole New York knows how much of a slut you are" I husked and Scarlett moaned loudly. Her brows furrowed and she squeezed her eyes shut, her mouth hung open and she released loud moans and some screams.

„Yeah- fuck me, Mommy. Please- god, you're gonna make me cum" Scarlett moaned and I watched how her breasts bounced with every hard trust I did.

„Then Cum for me, show everyone how much of a slut you are. Let everyone hear how you are getting fucked on a balcony, screaming my name. Be a good girl" I growled and bit her earlobe gently. That was enough for Scarlett to make her cum.

„Mommy, Im cumming" She moaned and I smiled, reaching down to rub her clit. „Y/n!" She moaned loudly and came all over the toy. I smiled and listened to the echo of her screaming my name.

„You're such a good girl" I whispered and pulled out slowly, hearing how Scarlett whimpered at the sudden emptiness. I rubbed her back gently and picked her up, bringing her to our bathroom.

I made us a bath with some bubbles, cleaning her with a wet cloth and some shower gel. I wrapped her in a fluffy towel, drying her gently.

„Sleep well, my love" I whispered after I brought her to the bed, laying down behind her, spooning naked with her.

„Mh, I love you" Scarlett answered and cuddled further into me, making me smile.

„I love you too, darling"

Go drink holywater now :3

Noone wants a 3rd part with Lizzie and Scar too, right?! 🥸

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