Virgin | SMUT+ fluff(at the end)

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Reader is 19 years old, Scarlett is 18 years old.

Contains: Scarletts first time, fingering, oral sex.

Y/n PoV

My parents left for the weekend and my girlfriend just arrived.

„Hey" I greeted and looked her up and down. She wore a pair of black, high-waisted shorts, a black bra and an unbuttoned white blouse. The look was finished off with a pair black converse and her blonde hair, tied up in a messy bun.

„Wow" I breathed, making her chuckle and hug me tightly. Our foreheads pressed together before I captured her lips in a loving kiss. Her plump lips fit onto mine perfectly and I stopped before I could deepen the kiss. My mouth traveled down her jaw line to her neck, leaving small kisses before pulling away completely, making Scarlett whine quietly.

„Not out here" I smirked and Scarlett stepped in, taking off her shoes before jumping on my back. Her legs wrapped around me and she kissed me of the top of my head.

I walked into the kitchen and placed Scarlett on the kitchen counter, standing in front of her between her legs. She pulled me to her and I kissed her softly. She gasped when I squeezed her waist a bit and I slipped my tongue into her mouth, playing with hers. I explored her mouth and tasted her. Her legs wrapped around me once again and pulled me into her center, groaning when I bucked my hips slightly into her core.

„We should eat first" I pulled away for air and rubbed her waist up and down before sliding my hand down to her thigh.

„I could be your dinner" Scarlett breathed and I smirked, pecking her lips a few times before pulling away. A strand of her hair loosened during our kiss so I put it back behind her ear, making her smile softly.

„Scar, I love you. I totally do but I want our first time to be special." I explained and kissed her jaw line and neck, mumbling the words against her neck. She moaned quietly when I sucked on her pulse point, licking over it soothingly after I sucked the skin in a bit.

„Please, I don't want to wait anymore. Take my virginity, Y/n/n" Scarlett moaned when I kissed down to her collarbones, leaving trails of hickeys and love bites on her pale skin. My lips reached the outline of her bra and I kissed it slowly tracing my tongue over the soft flesh of her breasts.

„You're so beautiful" I whispered before pulling Scarlett off the counter, making her whine because I stopped devouring her skin.

„Follow me in my bedroom" I breathed and pulled off Scarlett's blouse, throwing it into the kitchen somewhere. She gasped and followed me to my room, smiling and sitting down on the bed.

It was a queen sized bed and filled with soft pillows.

Scarlett waited for me while I took of my t-Shirt and my pants, making her gasp audibly when she saw my lingerie. I wore a cupped, lacy set, in a soft shade of grey. The bra hugged my breasts perfectly and pushed them up slightly, making them look fuller. The pantie was full lace and left nothing up to the imagination. You could see my perfectly shaved pussy and I smirked walking over to Scarlett. She quickly took off her shorts, kicking them away.

„Do you like what you see, baby?" I asked and Scarlett nodded, pulling me onto her lap. I kissed her passionately, my hands wandering to her back, playing with the clasp of her bra. My tongue slipped into her mouth again and our tongues danced together in a trusting and loving way. She moaned quietly into my mouth and I bucked my hips into her slightly, making her moan. My wetness leaked through the panties, making my juice spread all over her lower stomach.

„God, I want you" Scarlett moaned and I nodded, opening her bra and pulling it down slightly. Her breasts fell free and I admired them quickly before laying Scarlett down on her back, looking up to her briefly.

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