Jealousy | SMUT

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Contains: handcuffs, usage of a vibrator, spanking, oral sex, fingering, usage of a dildo, squirting, orgasm control.

For this chapter, Scarlett attended the Black Widow premiere with Y/n(her wife)

Y/n PoV

„Honey, come on! We have to go now!" I shouted and walked into the bedroom, wanting to bring Scarlett downstairs so we could leave for the premiere.

When I entered the bedroom, Scarlett turned around and gave me her famous smile.

„Do I look okay? Not that I could change anything now, just- Can I wear that?" She asked and I nodded.

„Of course you can! So first of all, you can literally wear anything. And this is just perfect, it looks great! Don't change anything, please." I rambled and Scarlett slapped my arms playfully.

„5 years of marriage and you still drooling over me. Y/n, I say that now just because I love it, get your shit together." Scarlett chuckled and wiped my bottom lip like I had really drooled.

„I don't have to get my shit together" I smiled. „I'm a nice person and I have a wonderful, talented, brilliant, beautiful, smart wife." I whispered and wrapped my arm around Scarlett's waist, pulling her a bit closer to me.

„Mh, it seems like this wife is a perfect person. But no one is perfect... Who is that woman?" She smirked at me and I blushed.

„Her name is Scarlett Johansson but I prefer to tease her with her second name, Ingrid." I said slowly and cupped Scarlett's cheek with one hand, pulling her into a soft kiss.

„This Scarlett is wonderful right?" Scarlett smirked and I nodded.

„Yes, but there's one thing...." I said slowly and Scarlett raised an eyebrow.

„This Scarlett gets really jealous sometimes. Even over the most common things I do with women like a hug." I explained and Scarlett blushed, trying to hide it by looking away.

„Well, we have to go now, Ingrid" I teased and Scarlett gave me a death stare. My smile dropped and I smiled before walking away as fast as my outfit allowed it.

„Y/n Y/L/N, tonight you'll sleep on the couch" Scarlett yelled and came down the stairs into the hallway too.

„I won't" I smirked, already giving myself a small challenge for the evening. Scarlett just looked at me before putting her heels on. I smiled because I was still round about an inch taller now. I put on my heels and smiled, opening the front door for Scarlett.

„Such a gentlewoman" Scarlett smirked and slapped my ass playfully.

„Always for you" I walked out after her and closed the door, locking it. I followed Scarlett to the car that would bring us to the premiere. Scarlett and I sat in the backseat, gently intertwining our fingers.

~Timeskip to the premiere~

„Hi Florence" I shouted. Florence let out a excited scream and came over to me and Scarlett.

„Heyyyy. It's nice that you could make it Y/n" Florence smirked and pulled me into a hug, kissing my cheeks gently.

„Of course I'd make it. It's the premiere of the Black Widow Movie. She finally got a movie and I'm excited to see it" I smirked and Florence raised a brow.

„Are you excited to see the movie or are you excited to see Scarlett on the screen?" She asked and smiled widely, looking over to Scarlett, who held my hand for the whole time.

Scarlett Johansson x fem Reader | ONESHOTS SMUT+FLUFFWhere stories live. Discover now