Rooms Pt. 3 | SMUT

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You horny people wanted a 3rd part after I teased it in the chapter.
Here it is!
Enjoy the chapter 🤍

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Contains: threesome, fingering, oral sex, strap-on sex, usage of a vibrator, double penetration, spanking, hair pulling, unprotected sex, mentions of pregnancy

Y/n PoV

The doorbell rang and I answered it, already knowing who this would be.

„Hey Lizzie" I smiled at the girl and pulled her into a hug. She brought a suitcase with her and I chuckled at the size of it.

„Elizabeth, you're here for 5 days. You don't need that amount of clothes and stuff" I laughed and Elizabeth blushed.

„I need it." She said simply and stepped into the apartment, taking of her shoes and jacket before bringing the suitcase into the guest bedroom.

„I just have one question" She said slowly and looked around in the room. „Did you two fuck in here without me?" She asked and I blushed.

„Yes, Im sorry" I smirked and sat down onto the bed.

„You two knew that I would have wanted to join. Why the hell have we even a friends with benefits relationship if you guys always fuck, as a couple. You knew that I would be here and you couldn't wait?" Elizabeth said and I looked at her with a excusing look.

„I- We're sorry, Lizzie" I chuckled and Lizzie nodded.

„Hmpf- Well, I want to get fucked today. I'll just say this" She grumbled and I laughed at her.

„Of course. We can talk with Scarlett about it" I smiled and rubbed her back.

„I brought toys" Elizabeth said casually and shrugged her shoulders. I started laughing and Elizabeth laughed with me.

„Not that much. I brought a strap filled with real cum and a vibrator. Not that much" She explained and I nodded.

„Yeah, it's okay. Everything is good" I smirked and right and that moment the door opened and revealed Scarlett.

„Elizabeth!" She shouted excitedly and pulled Elizabeth in a bone crushing hug.

„Hiii" Elizabeth smiled and I chuckled when Scarlett instantly pressed her lips onto hers, kissing her firmly.

„I've missed you" Scarlett whispered and hid her face in Elizabeth's neck. I chuckled at them.

„Like a couple when they meet against after a vacation. Just the „I love you"s are missing." I said and pulled them both into a hug.

„Well, Y/n, I love you. And I've missed you the whole day" Scarlett smiled and I kissed her gently, rubbing her waist. I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip and she allowed me to access her mouth, tasting her, tasting the small hint of coffee she drank at work. I smile and squeezed her waist, making her moan into my mouth quietly.

„Always these couples" Elizabeth rolled her eyes and I immediately pulled away from the kiss with Scarlett, turning over to Elizabeth.

„Did you just roll your eyes at me?" I growled and slowly walked over to her, pushing her onto the bed so she laid on her back.

„I'm- I'm sorry, Mommy" She whispered and I chuckled.

„Scarlett, Look how much of a slut she is. Don't you think she deserves a punishment?" I smirked and Scarlett smiled too.

„No punishment. It's the first day and she has to walk tomorrow" Scarlett said and undressed herself before undressing Elizabeth.

„I'll get toys" I nodded to Scarlett and went to our bedroom and pulled out two strap on's.

Scarlett Johansson x fem Reader | ONESHOTS SMUT+FLUFFWhere stories live. Discover now