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We flew to America the next day. It was a long flight, a long boring flight.

Even though I hated flights, I actually loved traveling. So it was a no brainer when Zak called me to offer me this job.

I didn't even really care about the money, but when he told me how much I was gonna earn, I didn't even had to think about it.

He offered me double as much as I was earning at the club, and I had a decent pay there.

So I was gonna earn a lot of money, travel all around the world, work for Mclaren and I could spend time with Lando.

Of course I was gonna take the job.

The only thing that I didn't like was that it was actually pretty boring.
I had to make drinks for rich people and let me tell you, rich people wanted the most boring drinks.

Whiskey, old fashioned, champagne or wine.

Nothing challenging at all.

I put my head on my hand as I leaned down on the bar. The qualifying just started, so most of them were watching the race.

"Hi girl, how are you?" Kelcey smiled as she walked up to me. "I am good, how are you?" I asked, grabbed a glass and poured her a drink.

Non alcoholic, mind you. She still had to work after qualifying.

"It can get a bit boring, right?" She laughed. I shrugged. "Yeah, I am used to busy nights and different drinks"

Not that I would ever go back, I was done with that club, done with Jordan.

"But don't tell Lando though, I don't want him to think I'm ungrateful" I quickly added. He never said it, but I knew he was behind it all.

He gave Zak my number, he told him to call me.

He changed my life.

"How are Lando and you doing?" She asked while taking a sip from her drink. I shrugged again. "We are friends"

"Friends?" She chuckled a little. "C'mon you guys aren't friends"

"We are though"

"So you wouldn't care if he liked someone else? If he was dating someone?"

I shrugged again. "No"

What a lie.

She chuckled and nodded. "Okay"

"Does he like someone though?"

She rolled her eyes and shook her head with a laugh. "Friends huh?"

Okay maybe I wanted more than to be friends with him and she made me realize that, with just one dumb question.

She left a little bit later, when the qualifying was almost done, she had to go to the media pen with Lando.

I worked for a few more hours before I finally finished my shift.

Kelcey made me realize one thing, I had to talk to Lando, be honest with him.
Even if he didn't like me anymore, he had to know that I still liked him.

When I walked downstairs, to the hospitality, I bumped into someone I didn't want to see at all.

"Uh, watch where you are going, idiot" she said, fixing her probably very expensive dress.

"Savannah" I said as I looked at her. "What are you doing here?"

"Got invited" she snapped. "What are you doing here?"

"I work here"

"Of course you do" she chuckled, looked at me up and down. "Excuse me, but I have to go to Lando"

She turned around, and walked away to Lando's driver's room.

This got very interesting, but I wasn't gonna let her win this. I knew Lando didn't like her, she was just trying to get under my skin.

I wasn't gonna let that happen.

I was gonna fight for the one I wanted.

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