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Hoseok glanced over at Namjoon who was across from him looking at some shirts on the rack. He looked back down at the shirts he was looking at before he cleared his throat.

"So... Namjoon.... How are things?" He asked.

Namjoon looked over at him and furrowed his eyebrows. "Uh... good..." he said, confused because they had already had this conversation before with Yoongi and Jungkook. "How about you?" Namjoon asked.

"Good... excited for the party! You know, get to meet new people... flirt... dance.... Hang out with old friends, maybe even... you know, hook up with an old friend." He said.

Namjoon blinked a couple times as he looked at the shorter before he focused on a shirt. "Oh...? Yeah, you can do that at the party-"

"What about you? Have anyone in mind?" Hoseok asked. Namjoon blushed as Hoseok looked into his eyes. He smiled and quickly looked away.

"Oh uh... I-I don't know... I guess so... uh... do you?" He asked.

Hoseok smiled. "Nope!" He said, confusing Namjoon even more.

"Ohhh.... Kay...? But uh... have you ever thought about hooking up with a friend? Or even a friend of a friend?" Namjoon asked.

Hoseok nodded. "Of course. I was literally telling Yoongi the other day to ask Jungkook for me if he'd want to hook up. He's just so fucking hot, don't you agree?"

Namjoon frowned. "Oh... yeah..." he said, deciding to keep quiet after that.

"Ooo! What about this shirt?!" Hoseok asked as he held up a sexy black velvet shirt that had a deep v-neck.

"It's nice. You'd look amazing in it." Namjoon mumbled.

"Thank you.... But what about Jungkook?" He asked.

Namjoon sighed softly. "What about him?"

"How do you think he'd look in it?" Hoseok asked.

"Uh... I don't know... I mean Jungkook is very attractive, I'm sure he'd look great in anything." Namjoon said.

Hoseok smiled to himself, he couldn't wait to tell him. "And in nothing, am I right?!" Hoseok asked as he walked by Namjoon, lightly elbowing his side. "Come on! Let's get this then hit another store! I gotta find something for me to look great in!" He said before he made his way to the cash register.

Namjoon pouted and sighed out. "You'd look great in anything and in nothing too." He mumbled to himself before he met Hoseok at the door and headed to the next store.

Yoongi let out a muffled moan as Jungkook slammed him up against the stall wall as they roughly made out with each other.

Yoongi slipped his hand down into Jungkook's pants and groped him, making him groan into their kiss before he did the same to Yoongi.

Jungkook smirked as Yoongi tilted his head back against the stall door and moaned. "Oh fuck!" He said before he whimpered.

"Mmm... you sound so sexy..." Jungkook whispered before he kissed Yoongi again, grabbing and pinning his arms above his head as his other hand pulled Yoongi's cock out of his pants.

Jungkook smirked as he looked down at Yoongi's hard cock. He glanced up at him before he bent down and licked the tip, chuckling as the elder flinched.

"You okay, Pretty?" He asked.

Yoongi blushed. "Yeah... just don't think we should- fuck, do this here. Shit, Jungkook!" Yoongi shouted in a whisper as the younger got down on his knees and began to suck him off.

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