Killua is back and strange

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After Killua escaped from the laboratory, he made his way to Canary and her friend and Alluka to make sure they were okay. On the way, Killua felt really bad, not because of guilt, but he was in a lot of pain. He also felt dizzy and had to be careful not to fall even while walking straight. When he finally stood in front of Canary and her friend's house, he pretended to be fine and tried to hide his injuries. He ruffled his hair again to look somewhat normal and to get the glass shards out of his hair. Once he was ready, he knocked on the door. It opened, and in front of him stood Canary's friend, whose name is Ray.

Ray: "Killua, is everything alright? You were gone longer than we expected."

Killua: "Yeah, I had to take care of something. But are you guys okay?" he asked quickly to make sure.

Ray: "Yes, no one followed us, but we need to talk to you about something," Ray said somewhat seriously and invited Killua in.

Canary saw him, and behind her stood Alluka, looking happy.

Alluka: "Big brother, you're back!" she shouted and hugged him. Killua then began to pat her head.

After everyone calmed down, they all sat on the couch except for Alluka, who played with dolls in her room. Canary held some important papers in her hand and then began to speak.

Canary: "Killua, we came up with an idea that Alluka should go to school. We found a perfect school where they even teach Nen to the students. What do you think of the idea?"

Killua was amazed. He thought the idea was great because it was a way for Alluka to not only learn Nen but also make friends.

Killua: "I think the idea is great, but what about Illumi and Nanika?"

Ray: "We have a plan for that too. We decided to move further away from the Zoldyck house to be safe."

Killua: "Okay, so you haven't figured out what to do with Nanika. But you don't need to. I believe Alluka can control Nanika a bit, so why not?"

Killua agreed with everything completely. Besides, he didn't feel like making more decisions as he was already feeling dizzy. He was already feeling nauseous when the two began telling him where the school was, where they were moving to, and which street and so on. Killua trusted both of them a lot. He had known Canary for a long time, and Ray made a good impression. As they continued talking, they mentioned that they had a form with some information about Alluka that they needed to send to the school first.

 As they continued talking, they mentioned that they had a form with some information about Alluka that they needed to send to the school first

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Killua was glad they hadn't written anything about Nanika, so everything was great. Now they just needed to put the finishing touches on the move. Killua helped with the move; it was quick. They packed the boxes with the things they needed for the new house into Ray's car. When they took a break, Killua wondered what he should do during that time. Would he be lonely? Killua thought to himself. But then Alluka came to Killua and started hugging him.

"Alluka: Brother, I love you. I love you," they both said. Alluka and Nanika were something very special for Killua. But then Alluka started touching Killua's forehead.

Alluka: Brother, are you sick? Alluka asked worriedly.

Killua: No, no, everything's fine, Alluka, Killua said happily.

But why is your forehead so hot? Alluka asked. Killua thought for a moment. He didn't want Alluka to know that he was feeling bad.

Killua: I'm just thirsty. Yes, I'm really hot.

Oh, Alluka said, surprised, and ran back into the house. She was probably looking for a water bottle for Killua. Suddenly, Killua started coughing, harder and harder, and then black, bloody phlegm came out of his mouth. Killua started shaking and was horrified by what he saw. A slimy piece of blood came out of his mouth, which he coughed up. Killua didn't know what was happening or how that came out of his mouth.

But now Killua was really hot and dizzy and panicked. Before Alluka could see it, Killua wanted to quickly put the slime thing away, but it was unusually hot. But it didn't matter, Killua quickly put it away in the trash. But Alluka came quickly, and Killua quickly stood in the same place again, as if nothing had happened.

Here, Alluka said, handing Killua a water bottle. Killua thanked her and drank the water, which was refreshing. "Brother, you're sweating a lot. Are you sure you're not sick?" Alluka asked, concerned.

Killua quickly stopped drinking and again reassured her that everything was fine. But his behavior was becoming stranger; he started scratching himself more often, sometimes even breaking the skin a bit, though not severely. Killua was sweating so much that he didn't even notice his t-shirt was almost completely wet.

Ray called out that they should get ready. But for Killua, things weren't going well. He began to tremble. Alluka was already heading towards the car. Killua poured some water over his head to cool down and freshen up a bit. Now, everyone got into the car and they drove to another city.

As they were nearing their destination, Killua realized that the Hunter Association was nearby.

As they were nearing their destination, Killua realized that the Hunter Association was nearby

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