Chapter: 1

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The Way We Were  

 Chapter: 1   

I gazed up at the sky in wonder trying to see within the brisk of the thick grey clouds. I looked down to where he was standing; facing the ocean.

The light reflecting from the sun illuminated his face. Even from afar, I could see his face clearly.

The angular set of his jaw, the crinkle in his eyebrows whenever he was in deep thought, his skin bronze from being out in the sun all summer.

But, it was his eyes that I couldn’t look away from; they were pure magic. A deep gold color rimmed with streaks of silver.

No matter how hard I tried, I could never read those eyes, but that didn’t keep me from getting entranced in their magic.

Another figure made its way to where he was standing. I could tell it was a girl from looking at her shadow which was slim with delicate curves and had long, streaming hair.

She reached him just as he turned around catching her in his arms. They hugged briefly, and drew back at the same time gazing at each other fondly.

I felt as if I had stumbled upon a moment that was much more private than meets the eye. I hastily glanced away.

Tears sprang into my eyes. A sudden pang in my chest reminded me that it was too late. My cowardness had taken the best of me. Again. I had fallen for somebody who belonged to someone else. Fallen too deep in the hole to climb back up.

My mind was spinning. Old, ruthless memories came flooding in. The time when he was still mine and I was his. When we were still together. When our love couldn’t be described in words. It was beautiful……like all love is at first.

But, then the tragic part came in.  

“Athenaa” a voice called, diverting me from my thoughts. I hastily reached for the hem of my night gown, wiping my tears quickly before anyone had the chance to get too suspicious.

I looked around the room I was currently standing in taking in all of its changes from the past four years. It looked very bare compared to the one in my memories.

I could clearly remember standing in this very position a few years ago singing loud karaoke with my best friend in the whole world, Andrea. Laughing, singing and dancing.

Now, she was on the verge of getting married. It was unelivable how quickly time seemed to fly. It was so much easier when we were just kids.

But, I guess the perks of getting older also comes with its complications.

Those joyful memories were quickly replaced by the ones that came after that. I suddenly remembered the pain and torment I had experienced through the past year.

The pang in my chest returned, this time with more force.

I heard footsteps approaching behind me. My door burst open, the lock hitting the side of the dresser with a clang. I winced at the at the loud sound it made.

Looking up, I saw my mother standing in the doorway, hands on her hips. There was a hint of frusteration in her eyes.

"Athena, why aren't you dressed yet?" she sounded annoyed. "It's time for the rehersal diner."

My gaze dropped down to my mother's wardrobe. She was dressed in formal attire; a beautiful dark blue gown that brought out the spark of blue in her eyes.

I blinked back tears that were ready to flow and plastered a fake smile on my face. "I'll be right down mother. I was just resting of the exhaustion from my flight." I managed to say.

"Alright" she replied looking staright at my face. "Were you crying?" she asked her voice tense. 

She knew of the pain I had experienced through the past year and was constantly worrying about me.  

"I know this can't be easy for you. But, you have to do this for him. You have to let him go. He deserves to be happy". Her voice saddened as she said the last part. 

I nodded, hoping I wouln't burst into tears right there and then. "I know" I whispered, my voice muffled by the tears.

My mother's gaze drifted back to my face once more, as if to see if I was truly ok. I gave her a sad smile. 

A moment later, she turned around and left, closing the door behing her. I slowly walked over to the bathroom that was attached to my room.

My hands were shaking as I tried to wash my face with cold water erasing away the tears that were visible moments ago. 

I looked up to see my reflection staring back at me. My nose was swollen from crying, eyes blood- shot. My dull brown hair was a matted mess around my shoulders. I tucked a strand of hair around my ear feeling helpless. 

How was I to show up to his rehersal dinner looking like this? There was serious work to be done. I couldn't let anyone see me enveloped in my grief.

I slowly walked over to my suitcase that was situated on the floor of the room right beside the bed. I searched the suitcase looking for something appropriate to wear to the occasion.

Finally, I came across a simple black net gown with thin straps. It fit my body perfectly, clinging in just the right places.

I ran a brush through my hair trying hard to untangle the knots. I used concealer to cover the bags under my eyes then, outlined them with black eyeliner. To finish my makeup, I applied a single coat of clear lip gloss. 

I sighed. This was going to be a long night. I glanced in the mirror by the closet, feeling satisfied with my handy work. It was like I had never even shed a tear. I smiled at my reflection. 

Living in denial for the past few weeks had done me no good. My mind just couldn't comprehend the fact that my best friend was getting married to the guy I had once loved.

 But, now I past the grieving and more than ready to face the drama. I felt strong and confident and nothing could come in my way. 

A loud knock on my door made me stagger back in surprise. I groaned. What was up with the interuptions? Couldn't a girl.... scratch that... a women have her privacy?  

I made my way over to the door, expecting my mother to once again barge in telling me to hurry up. When I opened the door, the first thing I saw were a pair of  beautiful gold eyes staring back at me. Oh no....

 My pulse gained its pace, my heart beating faster. It was him. I gulped, swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat. I was not ready for this. Not ready to face him.

 I tried to speak, but no words came out. I felt tears prickle in my eyes as I tried to blink them away. 

"Hey, you're Andrea's best friend, right?  She has told me so much about you" he said with a smile. "I'm Stephen, by the way. Stephen Herondale."  he held his hand out as in a way of greeting. 

I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion. Why was he pretending like he didn't know me? Like this was the first time we had ever been aquainted?

I suddenly felt so angry. God, he was such a jerk. How did I end up falling for this conceited, narcissistic bastard?

 If this was how he was going to act around me, then so be it. I was going to give him exactly what he wanted.

I managed a smile, extending my held to meet his. My hands felt clammy against his warm ones.

"H..Hi" I croaked, trying so hard not to burst into tears in front of the man who had ruined my life. "I'm Athena." 

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