Chapter: 3

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Here's Chapter: 3 of "The Way We Were". I wanna thank you guys for all the support. Your votes and comments are greatly appreciated. I look forward to reading what you have to say. This chapter is dedecated to DayDream888. Enjoy!      

 - Lena 

Chapter: 3

Sometimes a day goes by, then another and before our minds can process the change, days eventually turn into years.

But, our minds ponder back in time trying to search, find, and analyze our moments. Our moments of Joy, anguish, despair, utter delight. It is a never ending list of moments.

The ecstasy is at its unreachable.

These moments can strike at any time in your life, at any moment.

Even, as your subconscious is asleep.


My feet roughly made contact with the parched grass as I shuffled clumsily across the forest. I was trying my best to keep up with Stephen who was waking in long strides far ahead of me.

I watched him, gaping in awe. He made it seem effortless. As if he was gliding across an ice rink. As I was watching him, I felt my foot scrape across a rock making me stumble forward.

I groaned as my hands collided with the muddy surface of the ground.  I tried to push myself back up when Stephen turned around. His eyes sparkled with amusement.

 I groaned again.

Why did I have to embarrass myself in front of him every time? My clumsiness always made me look like a fool.

“You need help over there?” Stephen asked playfully.

 His lips twitched, and I knew he was trying hard not to smile. I shook my head, glaring at him. I could sense that laughter was erupting inside him and he was just holding it back to spare my feelings.

Ignoring my answer, Stephen strode over to where I was situated and held out his hand. I ignored his gesture, still trying heave myself up.

“You know, if you don’t give me your hand, I’ll just have to carry you the whole way” He flashed me a smile, grinning wildly.

I immediately flushed, giving in. Stephen pulled me up, his eyes still staring into mine. His intense gaze was causing butterflies to blossom in my stomach.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked as Stephen tugged at my hand pulling me in tow. I kept my eyes on the ground, stumbling once every few minutes.

“Are you always this impatient?” he asked without answering my question. He sounded amused.

“No” I said defensively. “If you had told me we were going on a hike, I would have brought better shoes” I grumbled.

I heard Stephen chuckle softly.

As we continued to walk in the deserted forest, our feet moving in synch, I got lost in the sound of the rhythm they made, and my thoughts drifted away.

Today was an important day for me. Possibly, one of the most important days of my life. This day would change everything, my entire future, everything I had been working towards. 

And, it all depended on one event; my piano audition for the most prestigious music school in the country, Julliard.

Julliard had been my dream ever since I could remember, my life goal. Music had changed me in ways nothing else ever could. It had brought me to life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2013 ⏰

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