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Please read the note at the end of the chapter. ENJOY! ❤️

at the college:

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at the college:

Aisha entered the lecture hall with a bounce in her step, her bag slung over her shoulder. She took a seat near the front, greeting her friends with a bright smile. Yuvraj, on the other hand, sauntered in with a casual air, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans. He scanned the room, his eyes landing on Aisha for a brief moment before he settled into a seat a few rows behind her.

The professor walked in, and the class settled into their usual rhythm. Aisha was diligently taking notes, her pen moving swiftly across the paper. Yuvraj, meanwhile, was half-listening, his attention divided between the lecture and the doodles he was making in his notebook.


The bell rang, signaling the end of the lecture. Aisha gathered her things and made her way to the cafeteria. She was looking forward to her usual coffee and a quick chat with her friends. As she stood in line, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Yuvraj standing there, a smirk on his face.

Yuvraj said "Aisha, you know, when you take notes, it looks like the exam is tomorrow."

Aisha rolled her eyes, "At least I take notes, unlike some people who only draw cartoons."

Yuvraj laughed, "Cartoons? These are my masterpieces. You need an artistic eye to understand them."

Aisha snorted, "Artistic eye? Please. Your doodles make me laugh."

They reached the counter, and both ordered their coffees. As they waited, Yuvraj couldn't resist another jab.

Yuvraj said "By the way, your notes are worth seeing. Sometimes give them to me, maybe I'll learn something."

Aisha raised an eyebrow, "If you learn, that's good. Your grades might improve too."


Back in the lecture hall, the students settled in for their next class. This time, Yuvraj sat next to Aisha, much to her annoyance. The professor started the lesson, and Aisha was once again engrossed in her notes. Yuvraj, however, seemed determined to distract her.

Yuvraj whispered, "Aisha, did you hear what's happening tomorrow?"

Aisha glanced at him, "What? Another boring lecture?"

Yuvraj grinned, "No, cultural fest. Everyone will come in traditional outfits. What will you wear?"

Aisha's eyes lit up, "Really? I love cultural fest! I was thinking of wearing a nice saree."

Yuvraj nodded, "A saree will look good, but I think something else would suit you."

Aisha tilted her head, curious, "Like what?"

Yuvraj leaned in, "Like... something different from your usual boring wardrobe."

Aisha huffed, "I already know your taste. Whatever I wear, you'll have a problem with it."

The professor's voice interrupted their banter, and they both turned their attention back to the lecture, though the playful tension between them lingered.


The cafeteria was buzzing with students, all talking excitedly about the cultural fest. Aisha and her friends found a table and settled down with their lunch. Yuvraj and his group of friends were at a table nearby.

Aisha's friend, Riya, leaned over and whispered, "Aisha, why does Yuvraj tease you so much?"

Aisha sighed, "That's just how he is. Teasing me is his favorite pastime."

Riya giggled, "But your banter is quite entertaining. Watching you two is like watching an old Hindi movie."

Aisha rolled her eyes, "Yeah, our drama has become quite cinematic."

Meanwhile, at Yuvraj's table, his friend Yash nudged him, "Bro, why do you tease Aisha so much? Is there something going on?"

Yuvraj laughed, "No, it's just fun. I enjoy her reactions."

Yash shook his head, "Seems like you're enjoying it a bit too much."

Yuvraj shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye, "Whatever it is, let's see what happens on Cultural Fest"


The afternoon lectures dragged on, but the anticipation for the cultural fest kept the students' spirits high. Aisha and Yuvraj found themselves in the same group for a class project, much to Aisha's chagrin.

Yuvraj "Looks like we'll have to work together. Ready?"

Aisha crossed her arms, "I feel like I'll be doing all the work while you'll just bring distractions."

Yuvraj smirked, "Distractions are necessary too, otherwise the work gets too boring."

Aisha shook her head, "Your definition of 'necessary' and 'boring' is very different from mine."

Their professor approached them, assigning tasks and giving instructions. Yuvraj and Aisha exchanged glances, knowing they'd have to put their differences aside to get the project done.


As the final bell rang, the students packed up their things, chatting excitedly about their plans for the next day. Aisha and Yuvraj walked out of the building together, their banter continuing.

Yuvraj: "Aisha, have you decided what you'll wear tomorrow?"

Aisha nodded, "Yes, a saree. And you?"

Yuvraj grinned, "I'm thinking of wearing a kurta pyjama. It's a cultural fest, so I should look traditional."

Aisha smiled, "Good choice. I think we'll both look great tomorrow."

Yuvraj winked, "If I get a chance to take a photo with you tomorrow, my day will be made."

Aisha laughed, "To take a photo, you'll need my permission first."

Yuvraj raised an eyebrow, "Permission? From you? Come on, there's nothing like that between us."

Aisha shook her head, a smile playing on her lips, "Did you already forget your lesson on PERMISSION."

Yuvraj just smiled and said, "Ofcourse not milady."

They parted ways, both looking forward to the next day with excitement and a hint of anticipation for what it might bring.


Hey peeps, I just wanted to inform you all that till here it was just the setting of the story and after this, the real story will start so buckle up it's going to be pretty adventurous. The next chapter will be mind-blowing after all IT's a CULTURAL FEST❤️

Please ignore my grammatical errors, do share your reviews and please give some love and support🌷


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