Camp Cretaceous

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Ryan's POV

I am in a car with my uncle Owen as he drives me to dock. I don't want to go to camp but my mother forced me.

Owen Grady: "What's wrong kid?"

Me: "I don't want to go to a stupid camp. I was fine training."

Owen "Grady: Your mother worries about you. You know how she can be overprotective ever since..."

Me: "I know...."

I look down with a sad expression.

Owen Grady: "Kid listen, your mom loves you and I love you. And we will forever be with you and support you.."

I smile as Owen tells me this. He is not wrong and I look up at him.

Me: "Alright I'll try Uncle.."

Owne smiles. Just then we arrive at the docks where two people in red staff uniforms are waiting. Me and Owen get out and walks towards the staff.

Roxie: "Hello you must be Ryan. My name is Roxie and this is Dave. We are gonna be watching you and the other kids."

Dave: "Nice to meet you bro."

Dave goes for a fist bump. I think Dave is annoying but he looks cool so I fist bump him back.

Owen "Grady: Get your bags from the car Ryan."

Me: "Okay Uncle"

I walk back to the car and grab two duffel bags. One has my clothes, toothbrush and other necessities. While the other bag has my ACU gear like vest, weapons, ammunition and more.

Dave: "Alright now we have to wait for the ferry to get her with the other six campers."

Owen Grady: "Have fun kid." Owen gets in his car and drives off.

I sigh and sit down on a bench and wait for the ferry to arrive. About thirty minutes pass and the ferry arrives and five kids walk out of the ferry. I see a girl in almost all pink, a skinny kid throwing up. Poor guy. A kid with a yellow sweater that looks way too happy to be here. A girl with short hair that looks like a farm girl. And finally a girl in athletic clothes. I get up and walk towards the others.

Darius: "Where did you come from?"

Me: "None of your business."

Dave: "Alright let's get the seven of you to camp."

Ben: "Um there are only six of us...."

Dave: "Wait. Athlete, Influencer, Dino kid, Soldier boy, Barf boy and Texan- He's right, where is seven?"

Roxie checks the list and groans in disappointment. A few minutes later and we all are at a helipad as a helicopter lands. A staff member slides open the door and a kid walks out. I recognize the face and groan in disappointment.

Kenji: "What is up my dudes, Kenji has arrived so let the party commence!"

Roxie watches as the helicopter takes off and leaves. Kenji throws his bag at Roxie and walks towards Darius.

Kenji: "So what's your deal?" Before he could get a answer, Roxie had thrown his bag back at him and he fell down. I chuckle a little and look at him.

Me: "Suck it up tough guy." I say with a smirk. Kenji looks at me and frowns.

Kenji: "Out of everyone here, why did you have to be here?"

Me: "Live it up Mr. VIP." I smirk at Kenji as he looks at me with annoyance.

Roxie: "Alright campers time to go. Everyone on the truck!"

Everyone got on the truck and buckled up. Roxie started driving and then pinkie starts talking to her phone. Dave was right about her being an influencer. But she is so goddamn annoying. Suddenly a figure passed by which caused Roxie to immediately stop the truck.

Camp Cretaceous Harem x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now