Coming Home

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Harry hauled his hefty Hogwarts trunk onto the scarlet Hogwarts express and dragged it down the corridor bristling with students who all turned to stare at The Boy Who Lived. It hadn't been long since Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort and in that time, The Chosen one had been interviewed more times by the Daily Prophet than he could care. So he ignored the blatant staring as much as he could and made his way to an empty compartment. He shoved his trunk under the seat and fell onto the maroon cushions, pushing his wire framed glasses further up his nose. He could have got his eyes fixed at St Mungos by now but he was so used to the glasses that it would have felt so wrong to be rid of them.

Ron and Hermione would not be joining him for this trip; they had Head Student duties. Professor McGonagall had offered Harry the chance to become Head Boy but he'd refused. He didn't need that right now. However, he was very happy to stay Quidditch Captain for Gryffindor. Harry leaned back and closed his eyes, reliving his past few months.

He'd returned to Privet Drive to see if any of his belongings were still there and to make sure it was safe for the Dursley's to go home. He wasn't quite sure why he cared, he just felt as though they deserved their home back. He'd picked up the gear he'd left behind and Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minister of Magic had sent word to Harry's Uncle and Aunt that all was well. Not wanting to put up with them, Harry had then left and made his way to Sirius's old place in which Harry had previously spent some time. Sirius had given Harry Grimauld Place so Harry decided to move in. Kreacher had since returned and still adored Harry. The house was soon shipshape what with the House Elf scurrying around and Harry waving his wand and his friends popping in every now and then. He'd been in the midst of tidying Sirius's old room, in fact, when the Hogwarts owl had arrived, bearing a letter informing him that he could return to school and complete his final year. He jumped on the idea and immediately apparated to Diagon Alley to purchase all his new books and stationary for the new year.

The compartment door slip open and Harry peeled his eyes open. A tall, thin blonde boy strode in and fell into the seat opposite Harry, to wrapped up in his own thoughts to register who he was sitting with. Harry sighed and closed his eyes again, stretching out his legs. For some reason, he was quite tired.

Draco Malfoy hardly noticed who was sitting on the seat opposite him. He was still fuming at the letter father had sent him in regards to returning to Hogwarts. He'd informed Draco that under no circumstances could he return to school. But what could Lucius Malfoy do? He was locked up in Azkaban for being in Lord Voldemort's inner circle. Actually, Draco was lucky that he hadn't been in more trouble. Given the fact that he was so young and obviously pressured into becoming a Death Eater, he'd been let off easy. His mother, who was the only Death Eater without the Dark Mark, had also been allowed the freedom of returning to Malfoy Manor. She had no problem with returning to Hogwarts.

Draco lifted his head and jerked in surprise. For there was Harry Potter sleeping opposite him. He'd been so wrapped up in his rather angry thoughts that he'd not even realised he was in the presence of Harry Potter. He rolled his silver eyes and steepled his fingers. He'd changed since the War. Become less nasty and more thoughtful. After Harry had saved his life on more than one account that night, he'd noticed that Potter was not such a big head after all. He didn't bask in his fame and glory. In fact, Draco remembered with vivid clarity the day or so after the Dark Lord was defeated. Some witch in a lurid green robe with purple hair attempted to interview Harry.

"Mr Potter! Could you spare a moment?" she'd asked. Draco had watched with amusement as Harry tried to tell the reporter in the nicest way possible that he was in no mood to talk right now. He'd then walked away, arm in arm with that Weasley girl. That red haired, freckle faced girl who was like Potters extra limb. When they weren't snogging, they were holding hands or some such thing. A wave of emotion washed over the young Malfoy. He could hardly figure out what it was. Anger? No, he knew very well what that felt like. Sadness? It couldn't be. He wasn't sad that Harry and Ginny were so in love for Merlins sake. He thought, with a sudden shiver, that it was jealousy. Jealously? Since when did that feature in Draco's life, he wondered as the compartment door slid open and the witch poked her head in.

"Anything from the trolly, dears?"

Draco got up and picked out a box of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. As Harry got up, Draco observed him closely. There it was again. That feeling of jealousy. What was wrong with him? He'd never been jealous of Potter before! Only scorning and rude. Of all the things to be going through his head right now.
Moodily, Draco picked through the beans, selecting one that looked half way decent. He popped it in his mouth and instantly spat it out.

"Mouldy sock!" he choked out, earning a chortle from Harry who was unwrapping a chocolate frog.

"You're not serious!" Harry groaned a moment later. He was staring at the card he'd gotten out of the chocolate frog. Draco raised an eyebrow.

"What?" asked Malfoy.

"It has begun," said Harry wearily, tossing the card on the floor of the train. Draco saw an upside down Harry Potter, winking. A smirk creased his lips.

"Famous Potter," he said but without the usual inflection. Harry glanced up and sighed.

"I'm just so over it," he said and bit off the chocolate frogs head.

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