Careful Seduction

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After dinner, Harry made his furious way to the Room of Requirement to burn off a little bit of his anger. He knew that the whole stupid thing would soon leak out to the press. In fact, he wouldn't put it past Malfoy to do something like that. He certainly did in their fourth year.
He strode past the wall three times thinking, I need somewhere to be angry.
The wall slid open and Harry hurried in. He was standing in a large open plan room with high ceilings and black dots on the floor. Harry frowned and then from each black dot rose two figures kissing passionately. Harry fired off every hex, spell, curse, incantation and jinx that popped into his head, blasting the figures to bits. He was sweating by the time all the figures were in little pieces on the floor. Then he sat down cross legged on the hard ground, buried his face in his hands and cried.

Draco Malfoy slept fitfully having just told Blaise that he didn't want to sleep with him. Blaise had looked really offended and Draco had tried to explain but ended up with a huge boil on his cheek. He'd hexed Blaise and then retired to bed.

He stepped through the Forbidden Forest, seeking something. Someone. He heard crying before he saw anyone. Harry Potter was sitting with his back against the tree, tears streaming down his face. Draco rushed to him and said, "Harry! What's wrong?"

"I thought she loved me. I'd do anything to get her back," sobbed Harry in reply. Draco narrowed his eyes. His heart thundered.

"What if someone else loved you?" he asked. "Would you be okay then?"

But Harry couldn't hear him. Draco blinked and Harry was gone. In his place was Lucius Malfoy.

"Father?" Draco said in shock, backing away.

"Yes, son. But you didn't come to my hearing. Don't you trust me anymore?"

Draco gulped. "Father, I-"

"Save it Draco!" Lucius cried, pulling out his wand. "You're no son of mine! You're gay!"

A flash of green light enveloped Draco and he screamed, his eyes closing. When he opened them, Harry was there again. This time he was tied up and a wand was in Draco's hand. His arm shifted of its own accord. Draco felt his lips move.

"Avada Kedavra!"


Draco howled himself awake and gripped his sheets tightly trying to dispel the nightmare. Merlins pants, what was wrong with him?
Draco crawled out of bed and wrapped a thick Slytherin blanket around his shoulders. He tucked his wand into his pj pants and crept out of his dorm, out of the common room and to the Room of Requirement. He stood in front of the blank wall and mumbled, "I need somewhere to be angry. To be safe."

And the wall slid open.

Someone was sitting on the stone floor surrounded by bits of plastic and wood. Draco frowned and squinted his eyes to try and make out who it was.

"Lumos," he muttered and his wand tip ignited, lighting up the room with an orange glow. The person on the floor leaped about a foot in the air and spun around, whipping his wand from his robes. It was Harry Potter.

"What're you doing here, Malfoy?" Harry demanded cooly, pointing his wand directly at the Slytherin who was standing there with a green blanket around his shoulder and his wand glowing. Malfoy looked shocked, his narrow, blonde eyebrows shooting up to his hairline. His thin lips opened a little and in that moment, Harry's heart gave a little jolt. He thought how good looking the boy was. Then he checked himself. He wasn't gay.

"I wanted some time alone," said Malfoy in answer to Harry's question. He gripped the corners of his blanket around his shoulders a little tighter. He could hardly believe his luck. To have stumbled upon Potter so soon after he'd decided to seduce him. "What about you?"

"Um," Harry mumbled, feeling almost uncomfortable about having a civil conversation with Malfoy. "I needed to burn off some pissed off feelings."

Malfoy chuckled, actually chuckled. He came a little closer and Harry wondered if Malfoy was ill. "Well, I'd be pissed off too, if it were me," Malfoy said gently.

"But it's not," Harry said bitterly, deciding that he wanted to go to bed now. He stepped past Malfoy who had a look on his pointed features that Harry had never seen before. It was almost, Harry thought in wonder, almost love?

Harry left the Room of Requirement and tossed his invisibility cloak over himself. He sprinted all the way to the common room and mumbled the password which was Lupin. The Fat Lady squealed but opened anyway. Harry was about to enter when he heard sounds he'd never wanted to hear. It was Terry and Ginny doing Merlin knows what beside the fire. Now even more furious than before, Harry spun on his heel and collided into a podgy stomach. He looked up, dread seeping into his gut. His eyes met Professor Slughorn's.

"Harry, m'boy!" said Slughorn happily. "What're you doing up so late?"

"Oh," said Harry who was expecting a lecture. "I just needed some air."

"Well I can't let you wander around, m'boy. Off you go to your dorm now," chuckled Slughorn and gave Harry a good natured shove to the portrait. Harry sighed and snapped the password to The Fat Lady. She swung open and Harry barged in, firing off sparks from his wand. He stormed up to his dorm and collapsed into bed, still really, really pissed off.

Draco fell against the cool stone wall. He'd just had a normal conversation with Harry Potter. They hadn't exchanged taunts or mean words. They'd simply talked like Draco had wanted to do all along. Well, Harry had been pissed off, but that wasn't the point. The point was that he, Draco Lucius Malfoy had not taunted Potter! It was a start, anyway.

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