Ronald's Betrayl

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Harry swore multiple times as his head throbbed with an intense pain that no amount of swearing would fix. Draco had stopped giggling and crouched down beside Harry, rubbing the back of the Gryffindors head soothingly. Harry winced.

"Bloody hell. What did I ever do to that wall?" Harry demanded angrily.

"You did punch it," Draco reminded him, smirking just a little.

"Shut up," Harry said sourly, accepting the hand Draco held out to help him up. They heard footsteps and Harry spun around. Hermione stood in front of them, an odd expression on her features. Harry cringed inwardly as Hermione opened her mouth.

"Ron's just told me," she said and Harry braced himself. Draco clenched his fist around his wand. If that bushy haired mudblood so much as addressed Harry as though he was an invalid for being gay or whatever, Granger would have another thing coming.

"I have to say, when he told me, I was rather surprised," she continued. "But I think it's great!"

"What?" Harry said blankly.

"You know, I think that this whole hate of gays is a bit overdone. I mean, if you love each other..." Hermione trailed off, a small grin on her lips. She suddenly rushed at Draco and grabbed the front of his robes, hauling him close. She whispered fast and furiously into his ear.

"If you hurt Harry in any way, shape or form, I will remind you how hard I punch. And that I was a member of Dumbledores Army."

"Got it, Granger," Draco mumbled, slightly intimidated. "I take it we've got your blessing then?"

Hermione laughed and drew back, clapping Harry on the shoulder. Harry was stunned. He'd expected a little more resistance about his apparent change in sexual preference. But he was pleasantly surprised at Hermione's reaction. He grinned stupidly and Hermione turned on her heel, striding away from them. The pain in his head forgotten, Harry grabbed Draco and dragged him away from the corridor until they reached the Room of Requirement.

"Kinky," Draco said as Harry made the room appear as a small lounge with a large couch. They entered and shut the door behind them. Taking control, Draco pushed Harry onto the green and red couch. He fell over the black haired boy and pressed their lips together. Draco let his hands flit under Harry's robes and touch the taught muscles on his abdomen. All that Quidditch playing, he thought. Harry's thoughts were going wild. Never before had he experienced something like this. Even with Ginny, his heart had never thundered that way it did now. He was but putty in the Slytherins grasp.

"God you're hot," Draco moaned and suddenly he drew away, looking pissed off. Confused, Harry looked hurt. Then he heard it. Someone was hammering on the wall. Harry yanked his robes over his bare abdomen as Draco tidied himself up. Then a voice Harry hoped like hell he never had to hear again sounded.

"Harry? I know you're in there!"

It was Rita Skeeter.

Harry swore. Twice. Draco looked dumbfounded. They gripped their wands and burst through the door. Rita Skeeter, in full reporter mode, stood there with a sneer on her painted lips. And who stood behind her?

"Ron, you arsehole," Harry snarled. Ron blushed a little and Rita smiled like a crocodile.

"So, Harry. After the war, you've found true love?"

"You know what?" Harry growled in a fury.

"Yes?" said Rita eagerly.

"Bigger off."

With that, Harry dragged Draco away from the small crowd and they ran all the way to the Quidditch pitch. There, Draco Summoned their brooms and they took to the sky's, both feeling pissed off. Hopefully, this wouldn't create a barrier between them, Harry thought.
And God, how he hated Ronald Weasley at that moment. The disloyal bastard, he thought savagely.

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