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Harry woke on Christmas morning to a chill seeping through his blankets and numbing his toes. He swore and rolled out of bed, grabbing his blanket on the way to wrap around his shoulders. Suddenly it occurred to him that it was Christmas day so he kicked George and told him to get out of bed. George groaned and they hurried down to the kitchen where the monolithic Christmas tree stood. Ginny was already there with Ron and Hermione. Molly stood alone, checking her clock. Harry glanced at the hand that held Mr Weaselys picture. It was sitting on Traveling. Then, with a ping it changed to home and the door swung open to admit Arthur, Percy, Bill and Charlie. There was a commotion of hellos and merry christmases and how do you dos and CAN WE OPEN THE PRESENTS NOW?!   

"You're all acting like five year olds," Percy sniffed, disapproving. Harry rolled his eyes. Some things never change and although Percy had come back to the family, he would always be the pompous prat.

"Shut up Percy," George said automatically and glanced to his left as if expecting someone to reply. With a shake of his head and glinting eyes, he turned his attention to the tree where wrapping paper was being torn from boxes. He joined the fray.

"Oh, Molly!" Hermione squealed. She was holding this amazingly covered book titled 101 Spells For The Advanced Witch. Her eyes gleaming, she hugged Molly who patted her bushy hair and said that it was her pleasure. Harry opened a wand care kit from Hermione, a glowing snitch on a bust from Arthur and Molly, a box of chocolate frogs from Ron, a box of merch from George and some fudge from Hagrid. But under all that was a small parcel addressed to Mr H.Potter in neat writing.

"Oh, a flash owl flew in with that yesterday," Molly said to Harry who was staring at this package, puzzled. Harry slit open the brown wrapping to reveal a little green velvet box. He flipped it open to find a small jeweled snake bent into an infinity twist on a silver chain. Somehow it looked manly. Harry examined it and then saw a little scrap of parchment.

"I'm sorry. Love is difficult. Happy Christmas Potter." 

It wasn't signed but Harry knew who it was from. Draco...

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