The Feast

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"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts," announced Professor McGonagall loudly. She stood up and raised her hands, commanding quiet from the hall.

"This year, we say hello to last years Seventh years who were unable for whatever reason to finish their schooling. We also say hello to our brand new first years. Welcome. Now, before we eat, I'd like to say a few words."

Harry gulped and bowed his head. Ron and Hermione gripped hands a little tighter.

"There should have been many more with us today," said the Headmistress sadly. "But the War took them from us. I'd like to have a moment of silence to remember them."

Harry closed his eyes as the faces swam in his vision. Fred, Remus, Tonks, Colin, Dobby...
And before that too.
Sirius, Dumbledore.
Harry cleared his throat as the Headmistress thanked them all. Then the golden plates filled and the hall erupted with sounds of joy and eating. Harry found himself chatting with Dean who told Harry all about him and Seamus. Harry could hardly believe it. Who would have thought Dean and Seamus were gay? His eyes roamed the table. Neville and Luna were sitting together. Harry raised an eyebrow. Another surprise. This year was to be full of surprises.

Draco didn't really enjoy dinner that much and made his way to the common room directly after pudding. The password had changed and Draco sighed. At least, as a Prefect still, he was told all the passwords.

"Pureblood," he said softly and stepped into the dungeon. It was cold and small clouds of white puffed out of his mouth. Shivering, Draco crossed the frigid stone to the massive open fire. He twitched his wand and a merry fire crackled up in the fire place. Draco sat in front of it with his legs crossed, mulling over his current predicament. He was gay. He had to be. He'd never stared at Potter before. But why did it have to be Harry freaking Potter? Of all the boys in the world, it had to be the Chosen One who just so happened to have a girlfriend. But Draco frowned. He wasn't so sure about that Weasley girl. He was sure he'd seen her with Terry Boot on the train. They had been alone in a compartment, laughing. The young Malfoy shook his head. If Ginny was having an affair, it was none of his business and it was best to accept that. But still, if Harry found out, well he might just have a chance.

"Hold up," Draco mumbled at the fire. "You don't like him that much."

"Who doesn't like who?" a voice asked. Draco whipped around, his wand pointed right at Blaise who raised an eyebrow. Draco lowered his wand and apologised. Blaise crossed the room and slung an arm around Malfoy's narrow shoulders. To his surprise, Draco didn't duck away or tell him to sod off. Instead, Draco leaned further in and that was when Blaise noticed the tears streaming down the pale, pointed face of Draco Malfoy.

Harry dragged his feet up to the Gryffindor common room to find the fire lit and people already occupying the comfy seats. He'd arrived to the common room later than he'd intended because he'd been looking for Ginny. She wasn't anywhere he could find. He'd even checked in the Room of Requirement but it was empty. Some of the walls had a light dusting of scorch marks from the fire that had raged through during the War. Defeated, Harry sank into one of the cushion covered chairs and waited for Ron and Hermione to return from getting Head Student instructions. His mind turned to Malfoy. The boy had watched him during dinner. Like, avidly watched him as though he were some fascinating TV show. He'd never even looked at Harry unless he was hurling insults at him. And now he was staring at him? Something was up with Draco Malfoy.

"Harry!" Hermione cried and rushed over to him. "You would not believe what I just saw!"

Harry raised an eyebrow and shoved his glasses further up his nose. Hermione looked like a picture of fury. Her frizzy hair was wild and there was a gleam in her eyes that Harry had only seen when she blasted that werewolf away from Lavender Brown in the Great Hall during the War.

"It's Ginny," Hermione finished, breathless. Harry frowned and rose to his feet. He yanked his wand from his robes and said in a slightly panicked voice, "Where is she? Is she okay? What's happened?"

Hermione cringed a little and averted her eyes as she spoke. "She's doing fine. In fact, her and Terry Boot are great."
She'd hardly finished when Harry went tearing past her out of the common room.

"Merlins pants!" she yelled, frightening a cluster of first years. Then she sprinted after Harry, nearly bowling over Ron who, without a moments hesitation, tore after her.

Harry raced down the corridors, skidding around corners and checking every class room. Anger nearly swept him off his feet. They had only been at Hogwarts for a few hours and Ginny had already left him? She was the one who'd gotten so upset when Harry went off hunting Horxcruxes, he thought venomously. She was the one who-
Someone was giggling behind a closed door. Harry skidded to a halt, clutching his wand like a sword. He pressed his back to the smooth wall and strained his ears. He could hear Ginny laughing and a boy saying something in a low, lusty voice. Harry's lip curled. How dare she.

"Harry!" Hermione whispered urgently. Harry shook his head and then pushed the door open. Ginny was embracing Terry Boot, her hands sliding up his robes. His hands tangled in her long hair.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Harry snarled. Ginny and Terry broke apart and a flush crawled up Ginny cheeks. "But don't stop on my account," said Harry in a low voice, seething with anger. "After all, it looks like you're having fun."

Pushing past a gaping Ron and a furious Hermione, Harry strode out the door and down the hallway, anger bubbling to the surface. Anger and grief. Had Ginny really loved him? Or had he been to blind to notice?
Harry screamed a long string of swear words at the ceiling, hands clenched into fists at his sides. His whole body tensed and his eyes filled with tears. The cow. The cheating, lying cow, Harry thought miserably. Hardly knowing where he was going, he marched down to the Room of Requirement. There, he conjured dozens of dummy's dressed like Terry Boot and blasted them to bits with as many different curses as he could think of.

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