Save Our Souls

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Harry spun on his heel, saw Lucius directing his wand at Ron and blasting him at the wall. Harry felt his heart collapse into chaos and fury washed through him. He whipped his wand up and shot a beam of blue light at Lucius who deflected it with ease.

"You shall never have my son!" Lucius screamed and blasted a whirl of wind at Harry. Harry ducked and yelled," I never had him. He made his own choices! It's not ownership, it's love!"

"Love," spat Lucius. "Love won't save your sorry little soul this time."

"This might," came a tight voice and a massive jet of red light engulfed Lucius, causing him to fall to the ground absolutley still. Ginny flicked her flaming hair over one shoulder.

"I really hate that guy," she said. "Go find Draco."

Harry glanced uncertainly at her. She smiled with true understanding which made her bright eyes gleam even more.

"Harry, it's all right. I get it. Your heart beats for someone else and while I'm a little sad we never worked, it's okay. Because love has to be followed, you can't go through life with someone you don't want to love."

"I don't not want to-"

"Harry, for merlins sake, stop feeling guilty. It didn't work and you found the one. So go make sure he's okay and get over it. I'm sure I'll find someone equally as amazing and hot and good at Quidditch as you," Ginny grinned.

"You'll never find someone as hot or good at Quidditch as me," Harry said cockily. Then, his heart and soul feeling a million time lighter, he raced into the room behind them and saw Draco in a heap in the corner.

"Oh Draco," Harry moaned and rushed up to the blonde boy. He gently rolled him onto his back and saw that the Slytherins face was very pale. Harry tapped his face and whispered a few words. A little stream of blue erupted from his wand and seeped into Draco's body. He awoke with a shuddering gasp. Those gleaming mercury eyes stared right into his.

"Hey babe," Harry smiled.

"Hey Potter," Draco whispered. "You came for me."

"Of course I did," Harry replied and began helping Draco to his feet. His white shirt stuck to his skin with sweat and Harry could see the defined muscle. His pants hung oddly and then Draco launched himself at Harry, wrapping his thin arms around Harry's neck. His lips touched Harry's and then they were kissing, Draco pressed against the wall. Draco allowed his hands to creep up Harry's shirt, running over his abs.

"God you're hot," Draco mumbled into Harry's mouth.

"God you're good at compliments," Harry mumbled back and Draco sucked in a laugh.

"Sorry to break up the make out session," Ginny called. "But I think we should go."

Harry and Draco broke apart in time to see a wall of the manor collapse. They dashed out, Harry and Draco grabbing the unconsious Ron along the way, and tore from the house. They wound up at the gates, watching the manor crumble into dust.

"Farewell, house," Draco said without an ounce of regret in his tone. "And farewell father. If I could call you that."

And together, they turned on the spot, vanishing into thin air, the suffocating mass. They landed on the grass outside the Burrow and Molly dragged Ron inside to tend to him. Ginny took one look at Harry and Draco's glowing faces and left them to it.

"I love you," Draco told Harry.

"And I to you," Harry replied. "I truly, deeply love you with all of my heart and soul. No matter what happens, I love you. I think it's love that mends your soul, saves it. My soul is saved."

"Thanks to you," Draco smiled. "Mine is too. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Together?" Harry asked.

"Always," Draco replied sweetly.

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