Once Upon A Time...

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Twenty years had passed since Harry had got down on one knee to Draco and vowed to spend the rest of his life with the boy. And twenty years on, their love was still as potent as it used to be. In fact, it seemed to be even more fantastic since they got married. It'd been a large ceremony with tons of Harry's friends and hardly any of Draco's because they simply were not Draco's cup of tea any more. There was a massive party and they'd all nursed a terrible hangover for about a week after wards.
Harry and Draco had spent two years refurbishing Harry's parents house and now lived in it with their two adopted children, Scorpius and Rubeus. (Hagrid had blushed a deep crimson and hadn't spoken because he was so choked up when Harry asked if it'd be okay to name a child after him.)
"You were the one who changed my life and taught me that there was hope," Harry had explained with a small smile. Hagrid had finally agreed but could hardly look Harry in the eye. Scorpius had golden hair and electric blue eyes that always gleamed brighter when he got into mischief which was very often. Rubeus had this mess of ink black hair that brushed his ears and deep brown eyes that took in the world but twinkled when Scorpius was getting told off for getting into mischief. Now, they were hoping to adopt a third child, a cute little baby girl with a mop of dark red curls and pretty green eyes. Harry wanted to call her Lily but Draco was fighting for Molly because he really loved Molly Weasley for more than one thing. Like getting rid of his Aunt Bellatrix. And taking him into her family even though he wore the Dark Mark. He'd been wondering how to get rid of it because despite the fact that Voldemort was dead, it still sat on his arm like a pale scar. So Harry had suggested that they get Draco a tattoo to cover it up. It was a lightning bolt with a snake twisted around it to remind him of his origins and who had saved him.
They stood on Platform Nine and Three Quarters, waving to Scorpius and Rubeus who were boarding the Hogwarts Express with glowing grins. They'd been excited for weeks, ever since they got their letters and trooped into Diagon Alley. Scorpius had blown up a vase that Harry had gotten for Christmas from Luna with his wand while Rubeus had somehow managed to turn his duvet bright pink. Scorpius gave him heaps about that until his brother had done it to his bed as well! Draco had to restore peace to the house before Harry got home from work at the Ministry. He'd taken on Moody's offer as an Auror, as had Hermione, although she was considering a career change and heading down the path of magical creatures rights. Ron enjoyed being at home with the kids, as did Draco. But could Draco turn the duvets back from pink? Harry had arrived home to find a bashful set of children and a blushing Draco. He'd reverted the duvets back to their usual state and then mended the vase that was supposed to catch Wrackspurts.

"Now remember," Harry hollered. "Hagrid's expecting you on Friday, don't annoy Peeves and whatever house you get put in, I'm proud of you!"

"Thanks dad," Scorpius yelled. "I'm gonna miss you!"

"No, you're not. You'll have far too much fun!" Harry called back.

"Love you!" Rubeus cried, dark mop of hair swaying in the slight breeze that had sprung up and swept over the Platform.

"Stay safe," Draco called. "And I love you!"

The train slowly left the platform and Harry and Draco walked arm in arm through the wall. On the other side, Ron and Hermione were waiting with Ginny and her new husband who was a very good broomstick maker. He also managed to somehow offend Ron the first time they met but they were in a happy brother in law relationship as they had a common interest, broom models. They reminded Harry of muggles who talked of nothing but cars and motorbikes. They walked together to their cars (incognito muggle vehicles of fairly standard make) and waved goodbye. Harry and Draco climbed into their truck and drove down the highway to the old second hand shop that used to sell clothes which was now actually a magical entrance to the wizarding adoption center where all the little witch and wizard babies went. Harry had gotten an owl while he was waiting at the Platform to say that the little girl they so desperatly wanted was ready. Draco grinned with joy, tucking a strand of his pale hair behind his ear.

"I love kids," he smiled happily as they strode through the door without opening it. After the odd sensation of floating, they emerged in the adoption center which was full of prospective parents and squalling babies, and were greeted by an elderly witch with silver grey hair who lead them to a small office where they signed the papers. Then they were lead to a room and a baby with deep red hair and inquisitive green eyes swathed in a snitch rug was handed to them. She was adorable! The first thing she did was grab Draco's nose and pull it. Hard.

"Ouch," Draco laughed and beeped the child's nose. She giggled and poked his cheek with a chubby baby finger covered in dribble. Draco scrunched up his nose.

"Lily Molly Potter, you are ours," Harry announced with pride. Draco grinned. He could live with that name. Once they were back in the truck with Lily strapped into a car seat that Rubeus had used, Harry told Draco that they might as well begin telling the child all about the war now so she grew up knowing who her family was and why they were like that. So that she could go to school knowing what had happened and who had made it happen. But most of all so she knew about the powers of love.

"Okay," said Draco, clearing his throat like he always did when telling stories. "Once upon a time-"

"That is the most cliche beginning I've ever heard of," Harry protested as he twiddled the steering wheel. "It's the start of literally all muggle fairy tales!"

"I like muggle fairy tales!" Draco cried with indignation.

"Only because they're different to Beedles ones," Harry sighed. "Besides, once upon a time makes me sound old."

"You do it then," Draco mock sulked, folding his arms and poking his tongue out at Harry who grinned, straightening his glasses.

"Alright," Harry said, casting his memory back all those years. "Mr and Mrs Dursley of Number Four, Privet Drive, were proud to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much."


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