At Last

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The rest of the year passed swiftly after Harry's return to Hogwarts. Hermione showed up the day before school started with fantastic news.

"I removed the charm and and and they REMEMBER ME!" she yelled, crashing into Harry and winding her arms around his neck.

"Blimey Hermione, it's good to see you too," Harry chuckled. She turned to Ron, looked him up and down and then they were kissing. Harry rolled his eyes and slipped his hand into Draco's.

"Miss Granger, Mr Weasely, do mind taking your affection to another room?" Minerva coughed and Hermione and Ron broke apart with a jump.

"Professor, I am so-"

But Minerva was already striding away with a small smile. Laughing, the four entered the Great Hall. As the year whizzed by, Harry and Draco hardly saw each other because they were studying so hard for exams. When exam day finally arrived, Harry thought he'd done fairly well, considering. But he'd have to wait for the results. The proof was in the pudding, he supposed. The end of year feast was amazing and the four stood up on the teachers podium for their graduation with the rest of the students of seventh (eighth) year. Glowing with pride, Harry beamed out upon the school and he could see Hagrid in the background blowing his nose into a tent sized hanky. Once graduation was finally over and their bags were packed, the four (now very pally) shared a train compartment.

"So where will you go?" Ron asked Harry.

"I'm going home," Harry grinned. "And if Draco doesn't mind coming with me..."

Draco answered Harry by kissing him with deep passion.

"Ew," Hermione said mildly. "I'm going home to my parents for a while and then Ron and I were thinking about getting a house in Godrics Hollow too."

"Awesome!" Harry shouted and when the train arrived at platform nine and three quarters, they all got off together. Ron was picked up by Molly who hugged Hermione, gave Harry a kiss on the cheek and paused at Draco. His face fell but the next minute he was treated to a full blown Molly hug. His heart thumped as he realized that this was what family was. This was what he'd wanted for his whole childhood. Hermione was picked up by her parents who were very pleased to meet Harry Potter again and also his boyfriend. Harry and Draco found a secluded place and gripped hands and their gear. Then they apparated to Harry's old home in Godric's Hollow. When they arrived, it was half way back to it's former glory from his escapades last summer.

"It's amazing," Draco said happily.

"Thanks," said Harry. "I hope you like decorating."

"I love decorating," Draco smiled. His heart thumped faster. "And I love you. In fact, I love you so damn much that I never want to spend another moment without you."

Harry grinned. What a perfect opening. He'd been working himself up for this ever since he'd rescued Draco.

"I love you too, Draco," Harry smiled. "And you know," he continued conversationally, "I've never really like your last name."

"Yeah?" said Draco, confused.

"Yeah," said Harry. "So uh, if you wanted mine, then..."

He got down on one knee and pulled a ring from his pocket, held it out and smiled winningly. The ring was amazing with silver and gold vine shaped tendrils twirling around each other and meeting at a swirl that held a pure diamond, glinting in the light.

"Oh. My. Merlin," Draco whispered. "You little devil."

"So...what'd you say?" Harry asked with his heart in his mouth.

"YES!" Draco cried and dived in his arms. Kissing, they got up and sort of shimmied their way into the house. They'd have a busy night tonight...

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