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Draco had produced an okay potion and Slughorn had given him five house points. Draco couldn't help feeling a little pleased. He scanned his timetable and saw that he had Charms with the Gryffindors. Great, he thought. He could maybe talk to Harry...
Get a grip, he told himself silently. There is no way that Harry Potter would want to talk to him. He'd been the worst person anyone could be! He'd tormented Harry, bullied him. But Draco wanted to at least show he could be nicer. Malfoy slung his bag over his narrow shoulder and made his way to the charms class room. Harry, Ron and Hermione were already there. Weasley and the Mudblood were talking earnestly to Harry. Draco checked himself. No, Granger was not a Mudblood. She was a muggle born. Draco refused now to be influenced or in any way controlled by his father.

Harry was still fuming. He had a feeling that he would be for a while yet. Ron and Hermione were talking to him but he wasn't really hearing them. He was on the look out for a certain Ginny Weasley. There she came, alone. Harry unhooked himself from the wall where he'd been leaning and crossed his arms. Ginny looked up and met his angry green eyes.

"Harry, I-"

"Do you still love me?" Harry interrupted. "Or was it all a game to you? Dating the Chosen One to get a bit of fame? God, how could I be so blind?"

"No, Harry, it's not like that!" Ginny cried, flicking her hair over one shoulder.

"Then tell me Ginny. What is it like?"

"I just...I did love you but then I sort of met Terry," Ginny said haltingly. Her eyes swam with unshed tears.

"So I guess this is it," Harry said dully, suddenly aware of how quiet the hallway was. "I guess this is over. I hope you have a nice life with Terry Boot."

Ginny's face crinkled and she burst into tears, sprinting from the area. Harry looked slightly surprised.

"You'd think I was the one snogging someone behind her back," Harry mentioned to Hermione as Flitwick ushered them into class.

Draco had seen the whole thing. The break up. The split. There was a time when he would have laughed, teased and tormented Harry about it. But not this time. Draco was now even more determined to befriend Harry. Now that Potter was single and all...
"No," he mumbled under his breath as he settle down at his desk. "You cannot think this way. You'll only depress yourself."

"Okay class!" tiny Flitwick squeaked, standing atop his pile of books behind his desk. "I just want to see what you've all retained over the holidays."

They were called up one by one to perform some spells in front of the class. Potter summoned a pile of books to him, made them hover and then sent them back to their owners with a small flower on each one. Granger decorated the room with glittering lights. Weasley made it snow and Draco? He sighed when his name was called, wondering if he could do anything to gain Potters attention. He twitched his wand and slowly, a lion made out of red glitter took shape. It charged around the room and took special interest in Potter. Then it transformed into a broom and zipped around Harry, chasing after a Snitch. By the end of Draco's spectacle, Harry was beyond confused. He'd almost been expecting a snake to slither up to him and tease him or something.

After class, Harry hung back to speak to Flitwick and Draco leaned on the wall outside. He was steeling himself for his conversation. Harry strode from the class and Draco gulped.

"Hey Potter," Malfoy said without the usual sneer.

"Malfoy," said Harry cooly, raising an eyebrow making Malfoy jealous. He'd always wanted to do that. "What do you want?"

Why did Potter always think he was up to something?

"Nothing. Just making conversation. I figured that we're older now. More mature. No need for the feud to last," explained Draco haltingly. Harry nodded and wondered if Malfoy was sick. This was the first decent, civilised conversation he'd had with the Slytherin ever. Harry turned on his heel and made his way to the Transfiguration class leaving Draco standing alone in the hallway wondering why Harry had just left. Obviously, he though bitterly as he went to the library for the free period, obviously Harry wasn't going to come around so early. Really, Malfoy didn't stand a chance. He should forget about it. But that was impossible.
He dipped his quill into a bottle of ink and headed up his parchment: Uses of Moonstone in Potions.
He couldn't keep his thoughts away from the hot Gryffindor. The permanently windswept hair. Those cute emerald eyes that stared out from behind the glasses bound with Spellotape.
Draco screwed up the parchment that contained the heading and then a doodle of Harry on a broom.
Damn it Draco, he thought. He made up his mind. He was going to seduce Harry Potter even if it cost him his pride and dignity.

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