An Unmasking

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Harry managed to sit through the hour of Transfiguration in which Hermione gained twenty house points for being smart and Ron lost five for swearing loudly when he dropped the rock they were supposed to be turning into a cake on his toe. Harry only just was able to complete the task and by the time class was over, he was ready to throw something. Harry didn't want to be sitting around changing rocks into cakes (where was the point, he reasoned?) when he could be tracking down the letter writer or playing Quidditch.

"Harry! Hey, Harry!" someone shouted loudly and Harry spun around with an insult waiting on his tongue until he saw it was Hermione looking really, really happy.

"What, Hermione?" Harry asked with a heavy sigh. Hermione grinned and said gleefully, "Ginny just got dumped."

Harry paused for a second.


"Ginny just got dumped. Like, right in the middle of the corridor. Like, majorly dumped."

"Really?" Harry asked with a grin sliding over his cheeks. "Dumped? Sweeeeeet!"

Harry still felt pissed off but his heart wasn't so angry that he wanted to punch the gingers nose in. Now all he had to do was track down the letter writer.

"Thanks Hermione," Harry said and ran to the DADA class room where the class was just pouring out. Harry slipped in and stood in the doorway. The teacher had his back to Harry and seemed to be limping a little. Harry gritted his teeth and cleared his throat. The teacher spun around and his wand was clutched in his hand until he realised who was in his class.

"Potter," said the teacher gruffly. And still Harry could not place the voice. It sounded so familiar.

"Constant vigilance," the teacher mumbled a moment later. Harry gasped. It had to be a joke. It had to be. Because there was only one man he knew that took that phrase seriously.

"Mad-Eye?" he said in shock. The teacher sighed and drew his hood away from his head. That familiar magical eye spun in its socket and a grimace spread over the mans face

"Well, Potter, it seems you found me out," said Moody with a slight smile.

"Merlins pants! Moody!" Harry yelled and launched himself at the teacher who stumbled back and laughed. "But Bill saw you die!"

"He saw what the Death Eaters wanted him to see," Moody corrected Harry and detached himself from the awkward hug.

"But...why only show up now? And why have you been hiding? And-"

Harry was cut off by Moody's hand waving in the air.

"Potter, please. One does not simply walk out of Azkaban when one is surrounded by both Death Eaters and Dementors."

"What?" Harry said blankly. Moody sighed and showed Harry to his office. He made Harry sit down and then he began.

"That night when Dung left, the Death Eaters caught me. Not killed me. No, they had a special punishment for someone who had sent many of them to jail. I was locked in Azkaban for ages while the war raged on. I was slowly dying until everyone left. Now I know they all went to Hogwarts but at the time I thought the war was over. I managed to break out and get to my house where I healed slowly. Remember, I could not leave. I was nearly dead and besides, if anyone had seen me, I'd have been killed on the spot.
Well once I was healed and better, I ventured out carefully. I found out that the war had been won by Harry Potter and that I was thought to be dead. So I let you all believe that for my own safety. And then I was contacted by Hogwarts. Somehow McGonagall knew I was alive and she offered me a teaching post. But I was afraid. I didn't know what sort of people were still around. So I put Moody aside."

"Wow," Harry said, in awe.

"And Potter?"

"Yes sir?"

"Don't tell anyone."

"Yes sir. What about Ron and Hermione?"

"No one. And Potter?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Well done with Voldemort."

And with that, Moody ushered Harry from his room. Harry stood outside with a dorky grin on his face and then turned and ran down the hallway. And slammed right into a boy with blonde hair.

"For Merlins sake!" Malfoy yelled.

"I'm sorry!" Harry screamed back, his joy vanishing.

"You should be! For Merlins sake! Do you not look where you are going?" Malfoy roared and there were tears in his eyes. Harry noted that he had dark rings around his eyes. And blood shot eyes. And didn't look good.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked a moment later.

"Why would you care?" Malfoy asked dully.

"Because...oh I don't know," Harry said with a sigh. And then Malfoy was staring into those emerald eyes and Harry was looking into the silver ones.

"Um," Harry said. Malfoy closed his eyes as if praying for strength. Then he said gently," Heard you were single."

And then they were kissing. Harry stiffened. His mind whirled. What in the name of Merlin was going on? He was pressed against the wall with Malfoys lips on his. Draco's hands tangled in his hair and then he felt it. A flare in his heart. He relaxed and let Draco kiss him. His heart pounded and when Draco pulled away, his face was flushed.

"Um," said Harry again but this time it was with some different tone of voice.

"Um," agreed Malfoy and they were kissing again.


Harry pulled away to see Ron standing there with shock all over his face.

"What. The. Hell?" Ron said loudly. "You are gay?"

"Um. I guess?" Harry muttered.

"With Malfoy?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Draco asked with a smile.

"You make me sick, Potter," Ron spat and stalked away. Harry bowed his head and then a fury blazed up inside him. He spun around and punched the wall as hard as he could. Next minute, he stumbled back swearing loudly. Draco giggled and Harry swore again. And tripped back, smacking his head on the stone wall behind him.

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