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Harry felt wrecked. After the events that went down at Quidditch yesterday, he felt emotionaly drained. Now it was not only Ron who hated him but Draco clearly depsised him too. Was this the Slytherins plan all along? To humiliate Harry by pretending to be gay?
Harry sat in front of the common room fire, trying to do his Transfiguration homework but his mind kept slipping to Draco. And the way he'd left Harry.

"Still moping, Potter?"

It was Ron. After the break up, Ron had seemed gleeful and kept shooting snide glances at Harry. Harry griped his quill tightly, so tightly it snapped. Ron sniggered and headed up to the dorm. Storm clouds gathered in Harry's mind as he imagined cursing Ron into oblivion.
Giving up on homwork, he stood up and shook his head, fighting off the tears. Even Hermione was distant with him now, seeming to have forgotten the promise she made when Harry and Draco had first gotten together. Something about breaking Harry's heart...
Harry left the common room and made his way to Moody's office. When he got to the door, he could make out voices.

"Alastor! I could have sworn I told you to keep quiet!"

"The boy had it figured out already," Moody replied gruffly. "Besides Minerva, he's a smart lad. And he's alone now. His friends have forsaken him for what he is. Someones got to look after the boy."

The words were like a fist punching Harry in the gut. Forsaken. He was forsaken. Alone...
Moody was the last guy Harry felt like talking to suddenly and Harry veered off for the Astronamy tower. And found Draco huddled in the corner with his wand out, making tiny flames dance on the cold stones. Harry skulked in the shadows, watching him. He seemed upset. Well, that was hardly Harry's fault. Furious now, Harry strode into full view.

"Consider me humiliated!" Harry snarled, pulling out his wand. He felt this overwhelming urge to blast the blonde into smithereens. "Consider me humilitated and broken hearted."

Draco leaped about a foot in the air and pointed his wand right at Harry. His eyes widened when he saw who it was and he lowered his wand.

"Harry, I-"

"Save it Malfoy," Harry spat. "You've said enough, don't you think?"

"But I don't understand."

"Don't you? You seemed to understand okay when you dumped me in front of the entire school! You seemed to understand okay when you said you wern't gay!" Harry's voice rose into a half shout, half sob. With a kick at the air, he ran from the tower with Malfoy's voice following him.

"I don't get it!!!!!"

He had never felt so alone in his life. Even when he'd suffered eleven miserable years with the Dursleys. Even during their second year when everyone thought him to be the heir. Even in the fourth year when Rnon ditched him. Even last year when those he loved died. No, this was worse. He was alone.
The moon shone through the window and sat on the floor with Harry as he sobbed. Damn it! Why was his life spiralling out of control again? It wasn't fair.


It was Moody.

"Go away," said Harry, swiping the tears from his eyes. "I'm forsaken."

Moody looked taken aback for a second. Then his face turned grave.

"I need to tell you something," he said, searching Harry's eyes with his own.

"What?" Harry sniffed, climbing to his feet.

"It's Ron."

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