Saving A Dumbass

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"Why should I care?" Harry said bluntly. Why should he care about Ron when all he'd done was totally screw up what was supposed to be a fairly relaxing final year at Hogwarts? Then again, Ginny had started it. Maybe if she'd been able to keep her hands to herself, he might be in a better place now. But would he have been living a lie then? Unable to discover if he was gay or not?

"Because he's your friend," Moody said. Harry jumped. He'd almost forgotten Moody was there.

"Some friend," Harry muttered.

"He's your friend, no matter what happens between you," Moody reiterated. "Listen, Potter. Ron may have been being a prat but I reckon he is very much regreting his actions now."

Harry fingered the hem of his cloak as he mulled the situation over in his head. Moody was tapping his foot.

"Potter!" Moody shouted suddenly. "Are you or are you not going to come?"

Harry jumped to his feet, spurred into action. No matter what, that dick was still his friend. Something was wrong and Harry was damned if he was going to be the crap friend by not caring. Besides, if Ron truly regretted all he'd done, then Harry was quietly happy to have his best friend back. It was tiring to hate someone you'd been mates with for seven years.

"Where is he?" Harry demanded as Moody mumbled something that rhymed with ducking time.

"Astronamy tower, right next to the window," Moody said and a cold wave washed over Harry. He shoved past Moody and tore to the tower. A scene met his eyes, one he never wanted to ever see again. Ron stood on the window ledge, illuminated by the cresent moon. His maroon pjs clashed terribly with his flaming hair as they always had and Harry could see his bare toes hanging over the edge. His back was to Harry who bit back a cry of fear.

"Ron?" Harry said quietly. The freckle faced boy turned quickly, nearly loosing his balance. His pale features glinted in the moonlight.

"Harry," Ron croaked. He'd been crying, that much was obvious.

"What're you doing?" Harry asked, even though it was clear.

"I'm so so so sorry Harry," Ron cried, his hands hanging limply at his sides. "I don't know what came over me! I'm an arsehole and a prat and don't want to anymore!"

"Ron!" screamed Harry. For Ron had stepped backwards and the look of surprise on his face was as blinding as the sun as his red hair vanished from view. Harry leaped forwards, his wand in his hand.

"Wingardium leviosa!" Harry roared, pointing his wand at Ron who was plummeting to the ground, screaming. Harry felt the tug of the spell as it caught Ron in midair. Ron was flailing still as Harry directed him back up into the window. Heart still hammering, he grabbed Rons leg and hauled him in, breaking the spell. They landed in a heap on the floor and Harry was the first to climb to his feet.

"You're a dumbass, Ronald Weasly," Harry said. "But you're my dumbass. Get up."

Ron crawled up and Harry embraced him in a crushing bear hug.

"Don't ever do that again," Harry snapped.

"No way," gasped Ron. "That was bloody scary."

From the shadows of a pillar, Moody watched the two friends and a small smile stole across his twisted lips. At last. Moody walked silently away as Ron began to explain what he'd done.

"I spiked Malfoy's pumpkin juice before Quidditch. Within an hour, he'd hate you. Feel disgusted. But once he'd dumped you and you looked so distraught, it hit me. I'd been such a dick and I felt so bad and I'm so sorry. He'll come around within a day or so but at the time I'd hoped that you'd hate him too and not want to get back together with him. I guess I was afraid I'd loose you to him. Look how that turned out! I lost you anyway. I was jelous and now I'm super sorry."

"That's...well I guess that's okay. So long as you understand that you cannot fly from the Astronamy tower without a broom," Harry grinned. Ron clapped him on the shoulder. Together they walked back to the Gryffindor common room. But before they could reach the portrait of the Fat Lady, they saw someone small and blonde sitting against the wall. Harry's heart quickened. It was Draco and he had bright red spots on his cheeks. His eyes glinted furiously.

"Draco?" Harry said.

"Potter," Draco spat. "Listen, I missed you. I waited for you. Did you come? No, you ditched me in cold blood! We're done here."

"Draco, wait!" Harry yelled. "I can explain!"

"Save it," Draco advised, fingering his wand as he walked away. Harry swore and kicked the wall. Ron simply closed his eyes. Could this get any worse? And this was no longer his doing? If Ron judged the situation right, this was the truth from Malfoy.

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