Mending Broken Hearts

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Ron was determined to make up with everyone, especially Harry and Hermione. Harry seemed to forgive Ron fairly quickly. Perhaps because he was so glad to have a friend back and also becasue Draco wasn't talking to him and he knew it wasn't Rons fault now. Hermione, however, posed a trickyer problem. She treated Ron with coldness and near hatred. Harry tried to talk some sense into her one cold evening beside the common room fire a few weeks before Christmas.

"C'mon Hermione. You've got to-"

"I don't have to do anything," Hermione snapped, hardly glancing up from her charms homework. She scratched out a line. "I don't understand how you can forgive him so fast. Remember the Triwizard tournament? Okay, I can fogive him for that. Then when he walked out on us while we were looking for horcruxes? I forgave him then too. But this, this attempt to ruin your life? And the fact that it's the third time he's screwed up? I can't, Harry. I can't."

Harry sighed and settled his chin on the tip of his wand. He eyed Hermione and then said in a soft tone," What about when he did come back? When he made you smile? Laugh? What about those times?"

Hermione looked up then and tears glittered on her cheeks. She'd splashed ink on her chin and her knuckles were white with holding her quill so tight.

"What about them?" she whispered.

"You love him for those," Harry said. At that moment, Ron walked in and threw himself into the chair opposite Harry. It was then that he realised that Hermione was also there. She looked at him steadily until a small smile crept over her lips. She dropped her quill and parchment and flung her arms around Rons neck.

"I've missed you Ronald Weasley," she sobbed and kissed him full on the mouth. Harry smiled as they embraced. Job done. There was really only one more thing to do now. And that was mend his own broken heart.

At breakfast the next morning, Harry sought out Draco who treated him to an icy stare. Harry gathered his courage and opened his mouth to speak.

"Save it Potter," Draco snapped, turning away. Harry whipped out his wand and sent a spell hurtling at Draco. It bound his feet to the floor so he couldn't walk away. Harry heaved a breath and began.

"Draco, I miss you. Don't you miss what we had? Look, I'm sorry, okay? Can't you forgive me?"

"No, Harry," Draco said gently. "It is I who is sorry. I came to a realisation when that potion finally wore off. I'm not gay."

"Draco, you're just saying that because you're scared of what people will say!" Harry protested. Around them, people were falling into silence to watch. Harry didn't care.

"I'm not. I promise. I'm not gay. Being with you was great and all but I'm not gay. I'm so sorry Harry. I was trying to show you but you persisted. Harry, please understand. I'm. Not. Gay," Draco said. His legs were beginning to go numb.

"But Draco," Harry fell silent and twitched his wand so Draco was free. "At least can we be friends?"

"Hell yes," Draco said. "But no more than that. I'm sorry."

And Harry just walked away, flanked by Ron and Hermione. Ron called Malfoy all sorts of names while Hermione patted his shoulder sympatheticly. This sucked. Big time. Why him? Why did Harry always get the raw end of the deal? And so close to Christmas? Not to mention he had another game of Quidditch coming up. Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw who'd soundly beaten Hufflepuff. But Harry knew something else too. That no matter what went on behind closed (or slightly open) doors, at least one person would stand by him.


Harry glanced at Ron who raised a thin eyebrow.

"Sorry, what?" Harry said.

"I said, you coming to the Burrow for Christmas?"

"What about Ginny?" Hermione broke in, face creasing with worry. Harry sighed.

"To be honest, I don't care. I mean, that sounded really mean but whatever she says or does, I don't think it worries me anymore. At least, I'd like to think it won't."

Hermione gave him an appraising look and suddenly Ron winced. Harry followed Ron's eyes and saw her. Flaming red hair flying back in the breeze, cool eyes locked onto some spot in the distance, robes billowing out behind her. Ginny. And Harry felt his heart contract and knew.

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