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It is a stressful day today we are going to get our results but for Daisy, it is two results, today she is going to know if she is selected to work for GW Entertainment. I am resoluteness that I am going to ace it, Daisy, on the other hand, is not so sure about both of them I have given her many assurances but she kept saying that I am her boyfriend and it is my job to believe in her whatever she does is right and ambitious from my point of view but the truth is I am not afraid to tell her the truth if I didn't believe in her then I wouldn't have said those things but I guess that's rule one on girlfriend handbook. I have noticed that she has been a little distracted and I don't blame her for what she went through with Usher it is some of it has affected her in some way or the other but I will take care of that soon. In conversation with Daisy, she mentioned that Usher asked why am I not contacting him I should have provided or given a hint beforehand for the result of what happened earlier I could have prevented that I knew Usher kept hitting on her she said he is like this with every other girl and that is true but she is no other girl I deeply care about her and want her to be surrounded by people who care and love her just like I do but I failed terribly, I am not going to make that same mistake. 

"Come for breakfast" I hear my mom screaming, she is downstairs and by the smell of it, I can tell she is the one who cooked us the meal. I don't give her a response I march downstairs, and on the way I hear some noise coming through Sally's room I go in there and see she is still in bed "Don't you have to get to work?" I asked her because it is not normal for her to stay in bed on a weekday or any day for that matter, she is a morning bird the only time I have seen her late in bed is when she was running a high fever "I will just give me a few minutes" she said lazily I go near her to check her temperature but everything seems normal "I am not sick just over tired" I can see some drools dried up on her pillow "You must look" I try to dust off but it didn't work "You need to clean that up" I move away but I took a last look at her before exiting her room and she was smiling. I went down in a beat and saw it was a normal English breakfast bacon and eggs with toasted bread with butter and jam on the counter, "This looks delicious" I don't see my mom cook much but whenever she does I can feel my mouth watering even if it simple dish like this "Dig in" she smiles as she was near the other side of the kitchen I see she is separating pulp from juice. I sit and start feasting and there she is bringing orange juice, my family digs simple things sometimes but we still have our picky instinct with us for example just right now my mom made different juices for us for Sally it is beetroot juice, orange juice with no pulp and my dad with pulp. "Where is Dad?" I asked he was the first one to eat breakfast I didn't think he would miss eating food made by her wife "He is busy" I figured but it was nice to ask I saw my mom's smile wide when I asked her, because of her the whole family is still together living under one roof normally children move out when they are 17 or 18 but she insisted that we stay together until unless we give them a solid valid and practical reason to move away.

Keeping everything aside I fished my breakfast and texted Daisy I knew today of all days she was going to be the most stressful when I asked her bout the timing of the email she might be getting if she is selected and our finals both are in the evening, if it were up to her she would be curled up in bed and cuddle her blanket and overthink about it until she gets a sigh of relief but I am not letting her sulk all day long. I have planned the whole day for her including having breakfast with her and thanks to my mom I am feeling pretty full, but that is not going to slow down my master plan. I am in the most casual clothes I have ever owned, the places we are going are no fancy pants things but more like Daisy, she likes everything simple and mundane and the most beautiful part of her is that she finds happiness in everything and anything possible, she is the most positive person I have met but when it comes to her she tends to start overthinking and all the negative things in the world and the problem is she starts to believe in those and get her health crash down in a split second. Me: Are you ready?Daisy: Do I have to?Me: I am not giving an option, be ready and come down when I honk.

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