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A month passed, and it was the day before the Valentine's dance. Jamal wore me out so much by practicing for the dance contest. 

I'd just gotten two tickets for Jamal and me when Cesar and Jamal walked up to me. Cesar had been staying with Jamal the past month since he still had nowhere else to go. 

"Hey, guys!" I said, "Oh, here's your ticket, babe."

"Thank you," Jamal said, putting it in his pocket.

"Uh, Ari, can I talk to you?" he said, looking at Jamal, "Bio homework question."

"Yea, sure," I said. 

Jamal started following us, to Cesar's annoyance.

"Alone, please, Jamal?" Cesar said. Jamal seemed to not get it.

"Jamal, we'll catch up with you later, ok?" I said.

He nodded and walked the other way.

"What's up?" I said. 

"It's Jamal!" he said, "He's been driving me crazy, and I can not get a moment to myself EVER!"

"Ok?" I said, "What do you want me to do about it?"

"You're his girlfriend. Talk to him!"

"No!" I said, "This isn't my problem. Look, if you want me to hang out with him more, then fine, but I'm not gonna be fixing your issues for you."

Cesar sighed, "OK. What about if he slept over at your place a few times a week?"

"I think my dad would kill us both," I said, "Don't worry, though. I'll keep him occupied tomorrow."

Cesar smirked at me, "You guys finally gonna-

I pushed him, "No! I mean, I don't know. I mean, shut up, Cesar!"

He just started laughing, prompting me to flip him off before laughing.


I chose a red dress, and Izabel did my makeup. 

"Oh, you look beautiful, baby!" Izabel said. 

"You really think so?"

She nodded, "You are gonna be the hottest one there. Have fun tonight. Eu te amo, irmazinha."

"Eu também te amo."

We all got to the gym and danced. School dances might've been cesspools for bad behavior, but who cares? I was having so much fun. Monse and Cesar went first in the dance contest, and then Jamal and me, and then Ruby and Jasmine.

Ruby and Jasmine won, and I wasn't even upset about it because hell, they did the best out of everyone. It was a little weird to see them kiss, though. Ruby went from not being able to stand her to now willingly kissing her in front of everyone. 

As a reward, they both won fifty-dollar gift cards to chilis.

"If we play our cards right, we can have two dinners. Maybe four if we order off the kids' menu and don't tip!!" Jasmine said. 

Just as the DJ played another song, someone came up from behind me and groped my boobs and my butt. I turned around, and the dude was already walking toward the doors.

"Hey! HEY!" I said, walking after him and pushing past the doors.

"Hey!" I said, pushing the guy, who I immediately recognized. Marcus Cole, one of the dudes on the football team. He tried to get with me last year at the eighth-grade dance and at someone's birthday party, and I turned him down both times. 

"AJ," he said, "Looking hot."

"The fuck's your problem?!" I said.

 "There's no problem at all," he said snarkily.

Jamal walked into the hallway, "Hey, what's going on here?"

"Nothing. Just go back inside. I'll be right back," I said.

"Wait a minute," Marcus said, "You're dating Turner? You won't fuck me, but you're dating THAT loser?!"

I curled my lip, "He's more of a man than you'll ever be, Marcus. Watch it."

"I can show you what a real man is like," he said, touching my face, "I mean you owe me."

His hand went down to my chest, and I pushed it away, "Don't touch me!"

"Fuck you!" he said, pushing me to the ground. I groaned in pain as I landed on my back and twisted my arm a bit.

"HEY!" Jamal said, pushing him up against the wall.

Marcus just laughed, "You really wanna do this, Turner? Really? I'll smoke your ass!"

"Jamal, just let him go!" I said, "He's not worth it."

Jamal listened to me and took his hands off him. 

"Fuckin' bitch," Marcus muttered before leaving.

Jamal helped me up, "Hey, are you ok? Are you hurt?"

I hugged him and started crying softly.

"He's such an asshole," I said.

"It's ok," he said, stroking my hair, "It's ok. I'll never let anyone hurt you. I've got you."

I looked at him as he used his thumb to wipe my tears.

"My makeup's probably all messed up," I laughed. 

"Doesn't matter," he said, "You still look beautiful."

I smiled softly as he pushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"I love you, AJ," he said.

"I love you too, Jamal," I said, taking his hand, "Come on. Let's get out of here."

We went back to my house because no one was home and into my room. We started making out on my bed, Jamal's suit on the ground and my dress almost off me.

"Jamal," I said.


"I want to go all the way tonight," I said, "If- if that's ok with you."

"Oh!" Jamal said, "Oh, wow. I, uh-

"We don't have to if you don't- 

"Yes," he said,  "Yes, I want to have sex with you. I just don't have condoms with me."

"Well, you're in luck," I said, grabbing one from my drawer, "Izabel gave me a bunch."

Izabel started having sex at fourteen, so like a good sister, she made sure I was safe.

Jamal slowly took my dress off so I was only in my bra and underwear. 

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he said. 

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