An homophobe? Let's make out

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---Lee point of view---

After that fiasco, we - as a group - decided to go to an Italian restaurant.

Once we arrive at the unnamed Italian restaurant, we tried going in. 

Turns out they're closed on Tuesdays or whatever day is today, I forgot.

"Ugh, I really wanted Italian sausage! And this is the only place that sells Italian food, besides the flipping grocery store, and we don't want to cook today!" James whined.

"Uh, well Mexican? I love their culture and food, wanna try out the new Mexican restaurant around here?" I offer.

"Jumping from one race to another, but eh?" A voice said behind the three of us.

I turn around. "Hi, could you not listen in on our conversation? Please leave now."

"Or what?" The guy asked as he lit a cigarette.

"Or we're gonna beat you up!" James pitched in.

"Exactly," I said as Kill agreed.

"Ugh, a whole bunch of second year middle schoolers, soon heading off to fucking high school, and think they can beat up me, a 20 year old?" 

James and Kill nodded. I did too. 

"Ugh, I fucking hate you two!" He spoke.

"There's three of us." I pointed out there obvious.

"No, I mean you and your God damn boyfriend. God hates you! And you two, other bitch over there!" 

"Fucking homophobe and transphobe," Kill muttered. 

"Yes. And I'm racist as fuck too. That's why I hand around these other fucking restaurants that aren't American. Just to fucking pick on y'all."

Oh god, we're actually gonna have to beat up this asshole. 

But, I won't leave the first hit. I'll make him do it. As James and Kill prepared to fight, I pushed them back. "No leaving the first hit, then it's our fucking fault," I whispered quiet enough so that the asshole doesn't hear, but loud enough for them to hear.

Without a warning, the guy pulled me in. The fuck is this bitch doing?

He grabbed my chin, and kissed my cheek. Oh fuck no .

"I thought you were homophobic!" I screamed, trying to let go. But I couldn't.

"Yeah, but you're actually a girl," he leaned in for another kiss, this time on the lips.

Before our lips collided (and if they did, I would kill Myself) I moved out of the way, so he kissed air. Ha hahaha.

"Pedophile," I muttered, loud enough for him to hear.

Soon, he has me in a chokehold, and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do anything, and so this bitch actually tried to go in for another kiss.

As his lips were moving closer and closer, James ran over, and grabbed him.

His grip on my neck slowly got looser, before his hands were gone.

I stood over him, finally able to breathe. 

"Wait! Hold on, I have a plan!" Kill ran over. "You and James make out, while I beat the shit out this bitch, just to get on his nerves," he whispered in my ear, really quietly.

He did the same to James, and James let go of the bitch, and came over to me.

Shit was about to get more than making out, I felt it as he brought me to the nearest wall.

He slammed me against the wall. In the corner of my eyes, I see the bitch looking at us with terrified eyes. Shit was about to get hot over here.

"Hey baby~" he said as he leaned in for a kiss. 

Our lips collided. His hands brought us closer. 

Soon, our lips left the others, and I started nipping his neck.

I gave him a hickey soon after, and he started nibbling on my ear.

His breath was a hot, and it felt good on my skin. 

In the corner of my eye, I saw the bitch was attempting to run away.

Kill allowed him to run away, and soon Kill came over to us.

"Let's go eat, I'm starving," Kill spoke

"We can resume this once we get home," James whispered in my ear as he let go of me.

I reached in for another kiss on the lips, and off we went to the new Mexican restaurant.

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