Chapter 4: The Underworld's Comeback

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After coming back to Skyworld and explaining everything to Viridi and Dark Pit, the goddess and dark angel looked at each other with both concern and shock.

"You're saying these things are after you?" Dark asked. Pit nodded.

"Yes, I don't know why, but they said: 'Die in the name of the Black Sun Kingdom'. I don't know what it means." The light angel said.

"The Black Sun Kingdom..." Viridi quietly repeated.

"Well...for now, let's listen to what that boy said." Dark Pit began. "You should stay in Skyworld for the time being."

"...You're right, Pittoo..." Pit agreed.
That night, after Dark and Viridi left Skyworld, Pit went straight to bed. He thought that maybe he could finally sleep easily tonight, knowing that some friends were working on figuring this out. He lied down in his bed and looked up at the ceiling. Soon, Pit felt his eye lids getting heavy and fell asleep.

Where...Where am I?

Pit woke up to found himself in a foggy place. But not only that, he felt...different. He looked down to see himself in a new outfit. Instead of his tunic, Pit wore a red, white, and gold royal outfit.

Wh-What?! How-When-Why-When did I put this on?!

Pit then turned to see his back to see his wings missing. He was scared for a second but it disappeared as soon as he saw the white cape flow down his back.

Oh my Gods! I have a cape!! I'm 20% cooler now!!



Pit looked in front of him to see a figure of a woman standing there. Pit couldn't see her clearly so he decided to walk forward, but the more he walked, the farther away the woman got.

Icarus...Find me...Hurry...

Wa-Wait! Who are you?! Who's Icarus?!

My little careful...

Soon the outline of the woman started to fade away and that made Pit break into a sprint.

Don't go! Please!!

Pit didn't know why, but he felt tears roll down his face.

"...Don't...Don't go!!" Pit stood up out of bed and realized it was all just a dream. But it felt so real to him.

"Pit! Pit!! Are you awake?!" Pit then heard Palutena's voice talk to him telepathically.

"Huh?! Yeah, yeah. I'm awake. What's wrong?"

"You're never going to believe this, but..." Palutena trailed off.

"But what?" Pit asked.

"The Underworld's making a comeback!" Palutena informed. "They're attacking Skyworld."

"What?! The Underworld Army?!" Before Palutena could respond, an explosion destroyed Pit's wall and pushed him onto the floor. Pit quickly got up to see Underworld troops there. The angel quickly summoned his Palutena Bow and fired at the monsters.

When they were taken care of, Pit hurried out of his room and ran straight for Palutena's room, making sure to take out any Underworld Baddies that crossed his path.

"Lady Palutena!!" Pit burst through the door to see the two Underworld Commanders, Thanatos, the God of Death, and Pandora, the Goddess of Calamity, surrounding Palutena.

"Pit! You're alright!" The Goddess of Light exclaimed with relief. Pandora turned to see Pit there and smiled.

"Well, well, if it isn't the little angel. Long time, no see." She giggled.

"It hasn't be long enough." Pit growled. "Release Lady Palutena and leave Skyworld at once!" Thanatos laughed Pit's bravado.

"Oh Pitty, do you honestly think we would listen?" Thanatos chuckled.

No...but it was worth a shot... Pit thought.

Suddenly, laughter filled the air as dark wind circled around the center of room. When it passed, the Lord of the Underworld himself stood there with his arms crossed. Pit tensed up, but growled at the sight of Hades.







"They really need to stop doing that." Palutena mumbled.

"I know, right?" Pandora mumbled back. Pit took no time in dashing forward and firing a charged shot at Hades. But the God block the attack and back handed Pit, sending him flying to the other side of the room. Pit crashed straight into a wall, but got back onto his feet and attacked again. Hades chuckled at the attempt and kicked Pit. Luckily, Pit was able to block the attack, but was still pushed back by the force. As the angel skidded across the ground, it was Hades's turn to dash up to him. Hades grab the angel by the neck with one hand and lifted him high into the air.

"Pit!" Palutena tried running to Pit's aid, but Pandora and Thanatos held her back. Pit struggled, trying to wiggle out of Hades's grasp, but it only proved to be useless.

"Ya know, Pitty," Hades began while examining his nails, "I've been thinking of what would be a suitable method of revenge when I came here, so then it hit me. I think your precious goddess will make a nice trophy." Pit growled in response to this.

"You'll...You'll never take Lady Palutena!!" He was able to snap back. The angel dashed forward again, but it proved to be useless as Hades kicked him away. Pit tumbled on the ground but got up quickly. He charged again, but this time, Hades grabbed him by his throat and began choking the angel.

"Pit!" Palutena cried out. Pit struggled but everything was useless. He wasn't strong enough.

"Bye-Bye, Pitty-Pat!" Hades cheered as he used his free hand to charge a sphere of dark magic energy. Pit gritted his teeth.

Is this...Is this really how it ends?!

Pit didn't want die like this! He needed to protect his Goddess! Suddenly, Pit's entire body started to flow a golden light. The dark magic Hades held disappeared into thin air as he shielded his eyes from the intense light. Thanatos and Pandora did the same. Palutena, on the other hand, couldn't believe eyes.

Hades let go of Pit and the angel landed perfectly on his feet. Just then Pit summoned a sword. One that none of the gods had ever seen before. It was a fine blade, colored in gold metal designs. The handle wore the mark of the sun and was wrapped in orange and red ribbons. Pit opened his eyes that were now glowing gold like his body.

"H-How is this possible?!" Hades questioned. Pit didn't answer, but instead, he raised the sword above his head and called out:

"Holy SunSword Buster!!" With one slash downward, Pit's attack hit Hades squared in the chest, sending the Lord of the Underworld flying back into a wall. Hades grunted as hit the stone wall. Thanatos and Pandora, even Palutena, looked in shock as Hades was struggling to get up.

How? Hades asked in his head. How can such a little angel hold so much power?

"...Thanatos. Pandora." Hades simply began.

"Ye-Yes?" The two deities asked in unison.

"...Withdraw all your forces. We're going back to the Underworld." Thanatos and Pandora looked at each other but bowed to their Lord and teleported away. Hades stared at Pit, who was still glowing. He bargain to think, but discarded the thought in his head and soon teleported away himself.

When Hades left, Pit stopped glowing and the sword disappeared. His eyelids became heavy and the angel began to collapse on the floor. Palutena hurried and caught Pit in her arms.

"Pit...How did you do that?" She wondered out loud. While the goddess was too worried about her little angel, she didn't notice the once glowing sun marking on Pit's left arm disappear.

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