Chapter 7: Another Dream

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Where Pit was this time, he had no idea. All he knew was that everything around him was blurry. It was as if he had really bad eyesight. Pit started to walk around until something began to materialize in front of him out of thin air. It was a door. Pit sprinted for the door and grabbed the doorknob and opened the door to have a great flood of light blind him for a good few seconds before the angel was able to open his eyes.

Everything around Pit was clear now. He could see perfectly. He could see that he was now in a majestic hallway that was colored with gold, red, orange, and yellow colors. Pit's mouth hung opened in awe. He would never admit this, but this place make all of Palutena's temple look fake.

Suddenly, the sounds of a baby crying caught Pit's attention. The angel saw a pair of golden-colored double doors, leading into a bedroom. Pit opened the doors and was looked into the room. There were so many toys and baby equipment everywhere. The room was so big, it was big enough to fit 10 queen-sized beds in it, but instead, there was only one queen-sized bed and lying on the bed, instead of being in a crib, was the source of the crying. A little baby. Pit walked over to the baby and got a good look at it when he came to the side of the bed.

"My queen!" Pit quickly turned to see a woman and a few maids coming to the room. Pit panicked. He had to hide somewhere! But it was too late.

"My queen! Your meeting is about to start soon. You should--"

"My child is more important!" The maids stopped following the woman as she came into the baby's room and the doors closed. Pit then realized that then woman didn't even notice him, even though he was standing right in front of her! Then, the woman walked right through Pit, as if he was invisible and made of thin air. Pit turned to see the woman pick up the crying child and cradle it in her arms.

The baby began to calm down and opened its blue sapphire eyes. The woman gave the baby a gentle smile as she wiped away the tears from her child's face.

"It's alright, my little Icarus." She whispered. "I'm here now. I'm here." The woman then began to him a lullaby. Pit watched as the baby fell asleep in the woman's arms. She put the child back down on the bed and stood up.

"My little Icarus. You will find true happiness soon. I promise, we will be together. Forever." The woman began to leave the room. Pit felt tears fall from his face again. He couldn't help it. He felt so...sad and alone inside his heart.

Pit then woke up again in his room in his bed. Pit sat up slowly and felt the same water coming from his eyes. Tears. Pit also felt the same thing in his heart. Sadness and Loneliness...

But why?

Kid Icarus: Prince of the Sun(DISCONTINUED TO REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now