Chapter 12: Dawna Lite

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"I get totally crazy
Can you feel it
Come, come, come on baby
I feel like a woman!!" As Dawna finished her song, the crowd went wild and applauded for her and whistled. Dawna moved her wavy brown hair out of her face to reveal her sapphire eyes that sparkled in the spotlight.
Dark Pit flew through the air as he looked for the club this woman, Dawna Lite, was singing at. He needed answers, and he had a theory that she had them.
Dawna entered her dressing room as her agent, Rachel, followed.

"You were wonderful tonight, Miss Dawna!" Rachel said.

"Thank you, Rachel." The singer said as she reapplied her makeup, smiling. "Can you call me when I'm suppose to go on again?" She asked.

"Of course, ma'am." Rachel bowed and then left the room, leaving Dawna staring in her mirror before turning her head to look a beautiful sparkling golden rose that brought back memories from long ago.
Dark Pit landed on the grounds of the club and hurried to the front door and burst in. The host told him he needed a reservation, but he ignored her and stormed straight into the club and to the backstage area. Rachel spotted Dark Pit and tried to stop him, but the dark angel just stormed past her and entered Dawna's dressing room.

"You!" That's how he started out. Dawna turned around and looked at Dark, shocked. Dawna quickly walked over and looked at Dark Pit close up. She touch his face and looked deep into eyes. She then knew and sighed.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I thought you...were someone else." She said.

"Uh...No problem..." Dark said, feeling a bit awkward. Dawna then smiled and removed her hand before saying: "So, you're his dark twin born from a cracked mirror? I can definitely see the resemblance."

"Huh?" Dark Pit was confused on what the woman was talking about. Dawna went back to sit down and reapply her make-up.

"Is there something I can help you with?" She asked.
"Uh...Ye-Yes. I--"

Then Rachel came in the dressing room, ignoring that Dark Pit was completely there.

"Miss Dawna, you're on in 10." Dawna looked back at Rachel and smiled. Dawna nodded in response.

"Thank you, Rach." The singer replied. Rachel smiled and went back out.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. Please..."
Dawna then hugged Dark Pit tightly and soon released and looked at him. "...Tell him...Tell him I'm so sorry for I've done."
Before Dark could asked what she meant, Dawna had already walked out.

Kid Icarus: Prince of the Sun(DISCONTINUED TO REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now