Chapter 8: A Simple Conversation

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The next morning, Pit woke up at the usual time, but didn't go in for training. Instead, he went to the human world. The reason for this was Pit had gotten a note. It said:

"I want to talk to you. Come to Union Square Cafe in New York.

-You'll find out when you get here"

Pit didn't understand. It could've been a trap. It could've been a trick by one of those assassin or maybe that NASA guy. But Pit went anyway. Dark Pit and Viridi had given Palutena the Lightning Chariot to use for a while, just in case Pit had to make a quick get-away from assassin that came to attack.

Pit arrived in New York, in human form of course, and followed the note's instructions that lead him to Union Square Cafe. When he got there, Pit saw a man that caught his eye and the angel instantly recognized him, even in human form it was painfully obvious. The man had tan skin and dirty red eyes. Thin black-rimed glasses stood on his nose. He wore dark gray pants and a red leather jacket with a tie-dye shirt holding the colors red, blue, green, and purple, in that order. He had long hair that was gathered to hang over his left shoulder. His hair was a strange mixture of purple, pink, red, and green.
((Description thanks to IvanTheDrawer))

Pit walked up to the table the man sat at. The man looked up from his newspaper and smiled at Pit.

"I'm glad you got my message, Pitty." He said, putting the newspaper.

"Hades." Pit simply responded. Hades smiled as he adjusted his glasses.

"Please, sit down." The God offered.

"Why should I?" Pit started out. "Why should I trust--"

"We have a truce, Pit, and I normally never break a truce, unless absolutely necessary. Besides, I thought we a simple conversation." Hades explained. Pit gave Hades a confused looked with an arched eyebrow. But then sighed and sat down in the chair across from the Lord of the Underworld.

For awhile, as people started to come to the café, Pit and Hades sat across from each other, neither one said a word until a young girl with curly black hair, tan skin, and brown eyes came.

"Hey there," she greeted, "What can I get for you two?"

"...I'm fine right now." Pit answered politely.

"I'll have the usual coffee, Margaret." Hades told the waitress.

"Alright, coming right up, Lord Hades." The waitress, Margaret, winked at Hades before leaving. Pit looked at Margaret as she left and then looked at Hades and asked: "How does she know who you are?"

"She's a soul from the Underworld." Hades said, grabbing and looking back at the newspaper. He held up his hand to silence Pit as the angel was about to say something. "Let me explain. She was a soul from the Underworld that worked as a maid in the palace. Then, I decided to open this Café and give her a job here."

" OWN this place?" Pit asked.

"Well, technically no and yes." Hades said. "I own the land but a human owns the Café. But I gave Margaret the job before the human bought the place." Pit was a bit confused. Correction: Pit was EXTREMELY confused!

"But enough about that..." Hades said, folding the paper and putting it away again. "I wanted to tell you about the Black Sun Kingdom." Hades's face became very serious. Pit began to listen carefully when Hades mentioned the Black Sun Kingdom.

"Long ago, before Palutena and Viridi became Goddesses, there was a Great War. Greater then fight between the Gods and the Titans. This fight took place across the universe." Hades began.

"The universe?" Pit repeated, surprised. Hades nodded.

"The only gods that took place was Zeus, Poseidon, and myself. The others stayed on Earth in case something happened. We were powerful to take on most of the Black Sun Army, but the three of us had a bit of trouble with the 4 commanders of the Black Sun.

There was Robin Hood, a powerful and quick archer, but he died in battle, leaving his daughter to take his name and duty.
Of course, you've met NASA, the rocket scientist and Fire Pyromaniac. Like I said before, he may seem crazy, but he's amazing in battle. I should know best, being the one that fought him head on.
Then, there's Calamity Jane, the cowgirl commander that can draw and shot her pistols in 1 second flat. She's the 2nd strongest behind Da Vinci."

"Da Vinci?"

"Yes, like the famous painted Leonardo Da Vinci, this commander can create master pieces of art. He can make them look real, so real in fact, they can come to life." Hades informed. "He also can create his own dimension that's a painting world, where everyone and everything is his creation."

"So...he's like a god?" Pit asked.

"In his own world, yes." Hades answered. "My brothers and I took care of the commanders, while the Queen of the Gods herself took care of the Black Sun's Queen."

"Who exactly is the Queen of the Gods?" Pit asked curiously.

"The Queen of the Gods, also referred to as the Sun Queen, is a mighty being that created the Titans and the Gods." Hades said. "She was incredible, but unfortunately, we lost her. Like Persephone..." Hades mumbled that last part.

"Persephone? Who is that?" Pit asked. Hades said nothing and looked down at the table. Pit felt bad.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that, Pit thought.

"...She was the Daughter of Demeter. She was the Goddess of Grain, Agriculture, and Fertility. She first love." The Lord of the Underworld said. "She was a very stubborn girl, and came along with us. She fought Robin Hood and almost beat him, but...that one single arrow he fired was her death sentence..."

"But wait!" Pit exclaimed. "You said she was a Goddess, right? Then, she can't be dead! She--"

"She wasn't a full Goddess yet, Pit." Hades interrupted. "Even if she was, that Imperial Golden arrow still would've killed her."

"Imperial...Golden arrow?" Pit repeated.

"...Things made out of a material called Imperial Gold can kill a god, either slowly or instantly." Hades explained. They were both quiet for awhile when Pit finally asked:

"Do you know why they're after me?"

"...I'm not sure." Hades answered. "But thank you."


"I've been needing to talk about Persephone, and Thanatos and Pandora aren't really the best people to talk to about this." Hades adjusted his glasses.

"Uh...No problem. But can I ask one thing?" Pit asked.

"Sure, fire away."

"Why are you wearing glasses? Is your vision that bad?" Hades gave Pit a look.

"Are you making fun of me?"

"No, no! I just--"

"I'm sorry my human form has terrible eyesight! Gods!" Hades groaned and crossed his arms, but turned to smile at Pit.

"What?" The angel asked.

"Nothing." Hades chuckled a bit when Margaret came over with the coffee.

"Do you want anything?" She asked Pit.

"...Do you have any Floor Ice Cream?" He asked, happily. This made both Hades and Margaret laugh at the angel's silliness.

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