The Mage Chap 1

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I always wonder why. Fuck, anyone would have asked them selves some sour part of their lives this question, Why me?

"Lucas!" They always seemed to bother even though I knew they never cared. They see but not notice. They talk but not listen. They would pretend that what they have.. All of this is a family. Delusional freaks.

"Didn't I warn you to stop smoking?! Hand it over! Now!" This woman. She has long unruly wavy hair. She was tall and slender. Her skin was as pale as mine. Her eyes were blue like mine but mine was lighter than her dark blue ones. This woman, Rachel. Is my mother.

"Get lost." I said huffing out some smoke from my cigarette. She fumed at me. Of course. She grab my cigarette stick and threw it on the pavement, crushing it with her high heels and she dug into the pocket of my jacket for the box and crush them in her hands before she threw them out. Tsk. Typical.

"Happy?" I let her. I always do.

"Never. You never fail to disappoint me." When did I ever pleased you or anyone? Like I would care what you think. I stopped caring long ago. I just stare at her, watching her lips move as she ranted about me and smoking, drinking then drugs. I guess that what was coming out of her. I was zoning out.

"You never listen to anything!"

"There's never really anything interesting in what you say.. Rachel." I deadpanned and that stinging on my left cheek was I expected. She slapped harder this time. Those stupid expensive gym membership paid off.

"I'm so fucking glad that you're turning 18 soon and then I would never have anything to do with you!" Like you ever did anything.

Rachel. She has her family. Family. Hers not mine. If I explain much it'll be too long so to make my miserable story short. Rachel had me at 16 with my father, Rick. They where never married and fought to who would have me. Rather push responsibility over to each other. None of them wanted me. Rachel got married when I was 13, I guess. Rick followed suite. They both have their own families. So why bother? Why would Rachel even bother? Rick let me be. Like he damn care more that Rachel. Rick never consider me his. He always thought Rachel only tried to blackmail him before since his family was well off. Guess the DNA test got him bumped. Anyway.. So there is a fucked up life.

I stood up, pulling my hood to cover my face more. Taking out my emergency cigarette. I knew Rachel enough to have a back up. I smoke and leave the bench in front of her house. I only stayed because I had no where else to go. Rick would let me stay but I will fuck my self before I ask for his help.

He never acknowledge me why would I bother?

At least Rachel and I have something to agree on. I can't wait 'till I am 18. I have no where to go. I didn't care. I have money so I can just rent something. I could never leave because I am still a minor. Now I can. Rick stack up my bank account and I never told Rachel. I bet she knew anyway. I never use the money. I transfered them once to another account so Rick wouldn't have control over it. It's my money. It's at least he could give me for letting me live with that woman.

I dropped out of school since it was no use getting into that when Rachel would nag about school expence and shit. So I dropped out and she didn't care. Though she knew I had brains. She didn't care about that either. I knew what they teach in school anyway. Like I said, I have brains. Funny how I can memorize something with just one read. Simple. I get smart like that.

Though there is some perks in having irresponsible parents. They would never know any of you secrets.

I look around to see if anyone was watching. It was dark also. I stood there sucking the last bit of my cigar, blowing the smoke out. The smoke begins forming a shape and I smirk as I chanted something.

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