The Mage Chap 10

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"Lucas! Lucas! Try this its the new menu! Katherine gave it to me."

Sig was running towards me with students avoiding him. He was holding onto a large rectangular lunch box. Yup.. I came back to school. The second day was God awful, I turn two students to frogs and I got scolded by James. At lunch time I turned one group of football players into pigs that's when the coach, Mr. Trey came running to me with Katherine tailing her. I was laughing my ass out at the pigs who're busy running around the field crying. Then finally at the last period I made the whole class silent by making their mouths disappear. That's when James and Katherine had me in detention for two hours teaching me the rules and regulations and if I do those stunts again they would likely baby sit me every class which I would expect them to do. So I try - hard - to not use my spells. Well since the other students didn't bother me much now. It took them a week to finally know who I am.

They would stare sometimes and if I caught them they would bow and leave me alone. Ha! They better respect me alright or I'll turn them to--

"Luffas?" I yawned and stared at Sig whose busy stuffing his mouth with sushi.

"You don't want some?" He said after swallowed his food finally making his words clear. I shook my head and look around the cafeteria. Everyone were of course stealing glances at us but no one will get near us of course. They learn the hard way.

Of course school is what it was like before. Though it is a school for Mages.. it's still school which I am very comfortable going back. I really do missed it even without friends. School before was my sanctuary. I didn't ever want to go to a place where I was never wanted anyway.

"But you've not eaten lunch yet. Also you only ate a toast for breakfast." I scowl at the sushi in front of my face. He was trying to feed me? My eyes almost cross when he push the sushi further but I turn my head and back away.

"I am not hungry." I said and he stared blankly at me while he ate the sushi I just decline. He would do that when he didn't like my actions.

"Are you feeling sick?" He frowns and lean in to touch me but I quickly stood up.

"I'm fine." I grin and chanted a spell so I can fly, the students gaped up me and I just swam in air but someone caught my shoe. I huffed and cross my arms over my chest.

"Let me go, James." I huffed again. He was forcing a smile but I can almost see the irritated vein on his temple.

"No using spells, Lucas. Remember the rules?"

"Eh? I forgot?" I grin and he sighed pulling me down but I was still floating. He steady me by holding my shoulders and he lean in to me, face-to-face.

"Forgot?" He smiled but this time it was genuine.. So like him. He was so honest and kind like Katherine. It was disgustingly annoying but.. I like that, I guess..

"Sig." He called out and Sig stood up and approach us with the box in his arms.

"James, I think Lucas is coming down with a cold." He said and I swallowed hard and flinch, trying to pull away from James but when I saw his glare I froze.

"I am not! Sig is lying!" I flinch again when I felt James hands cupping both sides of my face then his eyes darkened. His face falling deep in a frown.

"J-James?" I dare spoke. Sig you idiot! But.. Even him is glaring at me. He didn't like James expression meaning he figured I am very much running a fever.

"You're skipping next period." James' voice was hard but I will not go!

"No!!! Sig help me, not James! You idiot dog!!! Grr!!" They both grab my wrist and drag me like a balloon since I am still floating. I tried to struggle but it was no use. Tsk..

"I'll just use a healing spell! Leave me alone!" They were pushing me down on the bed in the nurses office and I landed bouncing on the mattress. Ugh!

"Don't move!" James grab the Book of healing spells from the nurse and chanted but it just dissolved. Ugh..


"Uh James, remember when you use the healing spell to disperse his hang-over but he still remain grumpy with a headache?" Sig sat down on the bed, staring at me as I scowl at the wall. Crossing my arms over my chest.

"I really thought the spell worked." James said eyes wide as he scowl at the book.

"How bout a moonlight spell?" James asked hesitantly but when I sighed he drop on a chair with a loud huff.

"Don't tell me.." He threads a hand through his hair.

"I tried healing spells on me. It never works." I pouted and James cursed. Sig felt my forehead and I let him.

"He's burning up. What kind of curse is this?" I smirked at Sig.

"It's a simple fever. I know it well Sig, okay?" I said to reassure him but he just scowl and I can't help but point out the crease between his brows.

"Lucas! This is not funny." He snaps and I just snicker.

"This normally happens every five weeks or so, I think. I would get a fever or rash. I also think it was from using too much high level spells." I explained and got wide eyes from James, Sig and the nurse.

"What? Does the Claire de lune states anything about that?" The nurse asks and I thought for a moment before I remember something from that book.

"I do remember about level 5 and higher spells are too hard for me to do. Sometimes I would be too sleepy then I'll get sick 3-5 weeks later. I brush it off but it always happen every 5 weeks or so since I was 13 so.. Yeah. Those levels are kinda taking up my spirit energy says so by the book--ump!"

"Why didn't you tell us?!" They all yelled and I was lying on the bed with Sig pushing me back, his eyes glassy.

"I'll check his energy." He said and place the side of his face on my chest like he was trying to hear my heartbeat. Hmm?

"His spirit energy is dangerously low." I heard him growled through his throat as he got up.

"Lucas, spells that took out spirit energy are very dangerous! If the spell is too powerful it would took out even your life energy! That's why it is making you sick every other month!" James fumed and I huffed.

"It doesn't matter, I'll be fine anyway. It is just a fever."

"You don't understand the problem here Lucas!" Why is James so mad at me?! I really didn't know!

"Sweetheart, It is the very reason why healing spells won't work on you because those spells depends on your spirit energy to boost your life energy in order to heal wounds and illnesses. With low spirit energy, it won't work." The nurse explains and I scowl at that.

Okay.. Now I understand.

"Also.. If you used up too much spirit energy, your life energy will not function with that balance well and can end up.. taking your life." I gaped at her. What? I eyed Sig who is definitely as mad as James.

"I'm fine, Sig." I tried to convince him but he was still glaring at me.

"Lucas. You can't use any of those high level spells anymore. Understood?" James said and I just nodded giving up.

A/N: spirit energy is connected to life energy. It's a balance of two. Spirit energy is like the soul and life energy is your body. So Lucas is using his soul to power up his spells. If he used it up his soul will be start dissipating and a body without a soul is dead. (Kinda like this) 😅

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